This is a BGFX renderer lib provided for VUILib

Primary LanguageCCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Build Status

NOTE: This port only made to be used as C++ library, some features (such as bindings) might not work! For those features, please use original repo with GENie instead.

This repo contains cmake configuration files that can be used to build bgfx with CMake.


git clone https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx.cmake.git
cd bgfx.cmake
git submodule init
git submodule update
cmake -S. -Bcmake-build # $CMakeOptions
cmake --build cmake-build

If downloading via zip (instead of using git submodules) manually download bx, bimg and bgfx and copy them into the root directory, or locate them via BX_DIR, BIMG_DIR and BGFX_DIR CMake variables.

How To Use

This project is setup to be included a few different ways. To include bgfx source code in your project simply use add_subdirectory to include this project. To build bgfx binaries build the INSTALL target (or make install). The installed files will be in the directory specified by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX which we recommend you set to ./install so it will export to your build directory. Note you may want to build install on both Release and Debug configurations.


  • No outside dependencies besides bx, bimg, bgfx, and CMake.
  • Tested on
    • Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, UWP, Emscripten (experimental)
    • VSCode, Visual Studio, Xcode, gcc, clang.
  • Compiles bgfx, tools & examples.
  • Detects shader modifications and automatically rebuilds them for all examples.

Added cmake commands

bgfx.cmake will install bgfxToolUtils.cmake which has useful cmake functions for using bgfx's tools:


Add a build rule for a binary file to the generated build system using bin2c.

	INPUT_FILE filename
	OUTPUT_FILE filename

This defines a bin2c command to generate a specified OUTPUT_FILE header with an array ARRAY_NAME with the binary representation of a INPUT_FILE file.

Adding these INPUT_FILE as source files to a target will run bin2c at build time and they will rebuild if either the contents of the INPUT_FILE change.

Examples: Generating an image as a header

  OUTPUT_FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/generated/images/image.png.h
  ARRAY_NAME image_bytes
add_library(myLib image.png)
target_include_directories(myLib ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/generated/images)
// main.cpp
#include <image.png.h>
// You now have access to a static const uint8_t or char array named image_bytes


Add a build rule for a texture to the generated build system be compiled using texturec.

     FILE filename
     OUTPUT filename
     [FORMAT format]
     [QUALITY default|fastest|highest]
     [MIPSKIP N]
     [REF alpha]
     [MAX max size]
     [RADIANCE model]
     [AS extension]


Add a build rule for a *.sc shader to the generated build system using shaderc.

	SHADERS filenames
	VARYING_DEF filename
	OUTPUT_DIR directory

This defines a shaderc command to generate headers for a number of TYPE shaders with SHADERS files and VARYING_DEF file in the OUTPUT_DIR directory. There will be one generated shader for each supported rendering API on this current platform according to the BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER macro in bgfx/embedded_shader.h.

The generated headers will have names in the format of ${SHADERS}.${RENDERING_API}.bin.h where RENDERING_API can be glsl, essl, spv, dx9, dx11 and mtl depending on the availability of the platform.

Adding these SHADERS as source files to a target will run shaderc at build time and they will rebuild if either the contents of the SHADERS or the VARYING_DEF change.

Examples: Generating shaders as headers

  SHADERS vs.sc
  VARYING_DEF varying.def.sc
  OUTPUT_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/generated/shaders
  SHADERS fs.sc
  VARYING_DEF ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/varying.def.sc
  OUTPUT_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/generated/shaders

add_library(myLib main.cpp vs.sc fs.sc)
target_include_directories(myLib ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/generated/shaders)
// main.cpp
#include <vs.sc.glsl.bin.h>
#include <vs.sc.essl.bin.h>
#include <vs.sc.spv.bin.h>
#include <fs.sc.glsl.bin.h>
#include <fs.sc.essl.bin.h>
#include <fs.sc.spv.bin.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <vs.sc.dx9.bin.h>
#include <vs.sc.dx11.bin.h>
#include <fs.sc.dx9.bin.h>
#include <fs.sc.dx11.bin.h>
#endif //  defined(_WIN32)
#if __APPLE__
#include <vs.sc.mtl.bin.h>
#include <fs.sc.mtl.bin.h>
#endif // __APPLE__

const bgfx::EmbeddedShader k_vs = BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(vs);
const bgfx::EmbeddedShader k_fs = BGFX_EMBEDDED_SHADER(fs);

Does this work with latest bx/bgfx/bimg?

Probably! This project needs to be updated if a dependency is added or the bgfx build system changes. The bgfx repository is very active but these types of changes are rare. New examples have to be added manually as well, but not doing so will merely result in that example not showing up and won't break anything else. If pulling latest causes issues, be sure to manually reconfigure CMake as the glob patterns may need to be refreshed (the use of glob patterns in CMake is generally discouraged but in this project it helps to ensure upwards compatibilty with newer bgfx updates).