
Any independent sql generator that works well with momoko?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have checked some. Please give some advice if it is possble. Thanks!

peewee looks good, but it is not specially for sql generate.
python-sql is specaily for sql generation.
pony looks good, but I dont know whether it would be efficient or not.

From a glance, I suggest starting with python-sql.
Others have explicit binding to database connection management and will require an effort to convert them to use momoko.

Alternatively, almost any ORM can return you compiled SQL out of its queryset. So you can still do a lot of stuff with ORM and instead of calling .save() or evaluating queryset you can ask ORM to give you the compiled SQL.

Or you can use ORM for just DB schema management.

I think that if you have any deep experience with some ORM framework - go and hack momoko to its connection management. Otherwise go with something more simple and decoupled like python-sql.

Thanks for your advice!