- 5
- 2
when using RealDictCursor, Pool.register_json error
#154 opened by HunDunDM - 1
NamedTupleCursor factory test is executed even if MOMOKO_TEST_HSTORE is disabled
#159 opened by rmedaer - 1
Not worked with python 3.7
#165 opened by panter-dsd - 3
Momoko Pool trying to use dead connections
#149 opened by m-novikov - 1
Cannot add momoko
#151 opened by mrios01 - 1
Debian packaging
#160 opened by rmedaer - 2
- 2
Typo in (socker instead of socket)
#155 opened by vladiibine - 3
- 8
- 2
- 9
momoko doesn't reconnect
#129 opened by yuzvir - 5
- 1
- 18
Pool fails to reconnect when using Unix-domain socket (OperationalError: server closed the connection unexpectedly)
#145 opened by gward - 6
How can I run the first sample of momoko
#143 opened by yoosofan - 4
- 3
- 2
#99 opened by subssn21 - 1
- 3
momoko makes IOError in ioloop
#133 opened by selam - 2
- 8
- 0
- 9
Contain future resolution to a method (peewee)
#116 opened by kolanos - 4
- 3
- 3
env var set fails with pip install
#113 opened by lsmag - 5
getconn() doesn't work with NamedTupleCursor
#74 opened by jagt - 2
- 3
Pool and connect() with Momoko 2.0.0
#107 opened by vejnar - 3
#104 opened by manhg - 2
Switch to Future based interface?
#94 opened by davidblewett - 2
psycopg2.OperationalError: could not receive data from server: Operation timed out
#88 opened by xoxoj - 2
About the docs auto update
#92 opened by kamelzcs - 12
Why is the database insertion so unstable?
#93 opened by kamelzcs - 9
- 2
- 3
How to do multiple query in the same connection?
#85 opened by kamelzcs - 4
The fetch* method of the cursor is synchronized?
#86 opened by kamelzcs - 3
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
#84 opened by danielknell - 2
- 1
Non psycopg2 exception can lock connection
#79 opened by nxsofsys - 1
link broken in readme
#77 opened by pconerly - 4
momoko not working with tornado 4.0
#75 opened by martinslabber - 5
- 4
When to commit?
#73 opened by jagt - 0
- 0
Please add cursor_factory to Pool()
#64 opened by riaqn