
Switch to Future based interface?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am really interested in this project, but I think the current implementation could be drastically simplified if you switched to Tornado's coroutine / Future system ( http://tornado.readthedocs.org/en/latest/guide/coroutines.html ) rather than the callback interface that is currently implemented. This would mean someone using Momoko could do:

  def foo():
      result = yield connection.execute()

Instead of the current Connection class attaching a callback on operations, an IOStream would need to be implemented I think: http://tornado.readthedocs.org/en/latest/iostream.html .

Doing things this way means that standard exception handling works, which could simplify the current implementation significantly. I can take a look at implementing this at some point; just wanted to jot some ideas down while I had time.

Apparently I was thinking about that quite a while. Its a logical thing to do. But its a still low priority for me until Tornado start to deprecate their old interface.

But I'll be happy to review your pull requests.

Futures interface has been merged to master. You are welcome to test.