
Tools for the SATA (Early Warning System of the National Forest Monitoring System of Ecuador) system

Primary LanguageR


Tools for SATA (Sistema de Alertas Tempranas del Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Bosques del Ecuador)


Para instalar el SATAtools, es necesario una version del R >=3.5.1 (se asume que esta usando el R desde RStudio), la librería 'devtools' de R (si no la tiene) y el OSGEO4W. Para hacerlo siga los pasos:

(1) Instalación del OSGEO4W (Descargue y ejecute el instalador. Mantenga la configuración de la instalación por defecto):

#install 32 bits version for windows:
#install 64 bits version for windows:

(2) Revisar que la version del R sea >=3.5.1 (caso contrario tiene que actualizarla):

#execute in Rstudio console:
> version
platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32          
arch           x86_64                      
os             mingw32                     
system         x86_64, mingw32             
major          3                           
minor          5.2                         
year           2018                        
month          12                          
day            20                          
svn rev        75870                       
language       R                           
version.string R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)   <--- ok
nickname       Eggshell Igloo              

(3) e instalar el 'devtools' y el 'SATAtools':

#install devtools
#install SATAtools

Los ejemplos que se muestran a continuación se basan en los resultados de la descarga de los algoritmos corridos en el GEE. El pos-procesamiento de estos son una muestra de los potenciales usos de esta herramienta. Las rutinas de GEE se muestran a continuación:

Filtrado de alertas

Las coberturas usadas en estos ejemplos usan las alertas de deforestacion del SATA:


#Defining variables from spatial units shapefile
spatial_units_shp <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/shp/unidades_espaciales/provincias.shp"
column_units_name <- "dpa_despro" #case sensitive

#Defining variables from deforestation shapefile (output from SATA or 'detect_breakpoints' function)
deforestation_shp <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/shp/alertas/deforestation_2016_2017.shp"
column_date_name <- "inicio" #case sensitive
column_area_name <- "area" #case sensitive
min_area <- NA #minimun area to filter (same units as area)

#Defining variables of ouputs
size_jpg <- c(40,20) #first value defines width and second height
output_folder <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/estadisticas"

#running the function
filter_deforestation_alerts(spatial_units_shp = spatial_units_shp,
                            column_units_name = column_units_name,
                            deforestation_shp = deforestation_shp,
                            column_date_name = column_date_name,
                            column_area_name = column_area_name,
                            min_area = min_area,
                            size_jpg = size_jpg,
                            output_folder = output_folder)

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aquí se lo hace con las alertas de incendios del MODIS:

#Defining variables from spatial units shapefile
spatial_units_shp <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/shp/unidades_espaciales/provincias.shp"
column_units_name <- "dpa_despro" #case sensitive

#Defining variables from MODIS shapefile
MODIS_shp <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/shp/alertas/pts_calor_MODIS_30d.shp"
column_date_name <- "acq_date" #case sensitive
column_frp_name <- "frp" #case sensitive
column_confidence_name <- "confidence" #case sensitive
min_frp <- 10 #same units as frp
min_confidence <- 50 #same units as confidence

#Defining variables of ouputs
size_jpg <- c(40,20) #first value defines width and second height
output_folder <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/estadisticas"

#running the function
filter_MODIS_alerts(spatial_units_shp = spatial_units_shp,
                    column_units_name = column_units_name,
                    MODIS_shp = MODIS_shp,
                    column_date_name = column_date_name,
                    column_frp_name = column_frp_name,
                    column_confidence_name = column_confidence_name,
                    min_frp = min_frp,
                    min_confidence = min_confidence,
                    size_jpg = size_jpg,
                    output_folder = output_folder)

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Validación de alertas

Usando un shapefile de las alertas y sus fechas, esta rutina toma cada alerta (coodenadas, fecha) y la grafica usando la serie temporal generada con las rutinas del GEE. Estos graficos nos permiten evaluar el comportamiento antes/después de la alerta y observar la evidencia con que el algoritmo detectó el cambio.

#Defining variables for alerts shapefile
alerts_shp <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/estadisticas/MODIS_alerts.shp"
column_dates_name <- "date"

#Defining variables for GEE ts files (normally as a TIF). Take into account that should exist in the same folder its version as CSV (dates files)
red_channel_GEE_ts <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/sentinel1/gee_outputs/coca_S1_ts_VV_P50_I14.tif"
green_channel_GEE_ts <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/sentinel1/gee_outputs/coca_S1_ts_VH_P50_I14.tif"
blue_channel_GEE_ts <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/sentinel1/gee_outputs/coca_S1_ts_VV_P50_I14.tif"

#other variables required
observations_evaluate <- 5 #could be less if processing is slow
buffer_distance <- 500 #consider that is in meters and measured from the alert point
stretch_perc <- 5 #recommendable if plots do not have good contrast
size_jpg <- 1000 #plot is based in an square, so one dimension defines its size
ncores <- 3 #modify if your resources are less than this

#output folder to save plots
output_folder <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/test"

#running the function
validate_alerts(alerts_shp = alerts_shp,
                column_dates_name = column_dates_name,
                red_channel_GEE_ts = red_channel_GEE_ts,
                green_channel_GEE_ts = green_channel_GEE_ts,
                blue_channel_GEE_ts = blue_channel_GEE_ts,
                observations_evaluate = observations_evaluate,
                buffer_distance = buffer_distance,
                stretch_perc = stretch_perc,
                size_jpg = size_jpg,
                ncores = ncores,
                output_folder = output_folder)

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Detección de cambios

Ejecución de rutinas de deteccion de cambios a partir de series temporales del GEE. La función calcula cambios en el promedio de la serie temporal estandarizada. El output que genera es un shapefile filtrado por área y fecha de cambio. Requiere que el OSGEO4W este previamente instalado.

##Defining variables for breakpoint detection
GEE_ts <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/sentinel1/gee_outputs/coca_S1_ts_VH_P50_I14.tif"
change_threshold <- 10
segment_size <- 3
min_area <- 4

#For calibration mode
samples_shp <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/sentinel1/samples/muestras.shp"
column_id_name <- "clase"
size_jpg <- 3000

#Variables for processing and outputs
ncores <- 3
output_folder <- "C:/DATA/GAF/demo/sentinel1/breakpoints"

#running the function in CALIBRATION mode
detect_breakpoints(GEE_ts = GEE_ts,
                   change_threshold = change_threshold,
                   segment_size = segment_size,
                   min_area = min_area,
                   calibration_mode = T,
                   samples_shp = samples_shp,
                   column_id_name = column_id_name,
                   size_jpg = size_jpg,
                   ncores = ncores,
                   output_folder = output_folder)

#running the function in PROCESSING mode
detect_breakpoints(GEE_ts = GEE_ts,
                   change_threshold = change_threshold,
                   segment_size = segment_size,
                   min_area = min_area,
                   calibration_mode = F,
                   column_id_name = column_id_name,
                   ncores = ncores,
                   output_folder = output_folder)

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Por favor revíse el DESCRIPTION para detalles sobre la implementación del SATAtools.



Este proyecto tiene licencia GNU-3 (General Public License v3.0) - mire el link (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html) para más detalles.


  • GAFAG, Ministerio del Ambiente, KFW, ZFL.