
Spacemacs layer for fstar (wrapper for fstar-mode.el)

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

fstar layer


Table of Contents


This layer is just a wrapper around fstar-mode.


This layer is not integrated in the main spacemacs layer repository and probably won’t be integrated since it is just a superficial wrapper. To use it you should rename the fstar-layer directory to fstar, place it in ~/.emacs.d/private/, and add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add fstar to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

Key bindings

Key BindingDescription
SPC m neval next chunk of code
SPC m uretract last chunk of code
SPC m ieval/retract to point
SPC m leval/retract to point in lax mode
SPC m xkill background z3 process (stop evaluation)
SPC m beval the buffer in lax mode
SPC m rreload and eval the buffer to the point
SPC m kkill the underlying z3 process
Moving around
SPC m .jump to definition
~SPC m ‘~jump to related error
SPC m j jjump to definition
SPC m j fjump to definition in other frame
SPC m j wjump to definition in other window
SPC m j ejump to related error
SPC m j Fjump to related error in other frame
SPC m j Wjump to related error in other window
SPC m j dvisit dependency
SPC m j atoggle between interface and implementation
Help !!!
SPC m h yyank help data at point
SPC m h wbrowse fstar wiki
SPC m h Wbrowse fstar wiki in browser
SPC m h olist fstar options
SPC m h ptoggle showing type at point
SPC m cinsert match
SPC m eevaluates expression
SPC m Eevaluates expression with custom reduction
SPC m ssearch
SPC m dshow documentation
SPC m pprint the fstar term
SPC m qquit all satellite fstar windows
SPC m Pprint an outline of the current file