- 2
- 2
#493 opened by nikswamy - 3
Specify functions that must extract?
#482 opened by mtzguido - 0
- 1
Use-after-free due to inlining
#478 opened by mtzguido - 4
generated Makefile.basic exe target needs .o's
#461 opened by briangmilnes - 0
- 0
karamel/test out of date, wants rust
#455 opened by briangmilnes - 0
karamel/Makefile test and test/Makefile
#454 opened by briangmilnes - 3
Better invocation header
#447 opened by franziskuskiefer - 2
- 1
Bad interaction between unused variable elimination and "let x = if ... in" hoisting
#291 opened by R1kM - 2
Miscellaneous warnings in generated C code
#363 opened by franziskuskiefer - 2
Opam package fails to build
#339 opened by Johanmyst - 4
Can't get karamel nix flake to work
#338 opened by ambiso - 6
No package karamel on opam
#300 opened by anishathalye - 5
- 1
`List.concat_map` does not exist in OCaml 4.08
#327 opened by mtzguido - 1
Help in compiling hello world.
#321 opened by scyleaf - 1
Generate internal static headers
#284 opened by msprotz - 0
Improve peephole optimization for "full matches"
#313 opened by msprotz - 0
Improvements to compilation in C89 mode
#283 opened by msprotz - 0
krml redeclares variables in adjacent #if branches
#293 opened by nikswamy - 0
- 0
- 1
Unsound decimal literal extraction
#269 opened by pnmadelaine - 2
Monomorphizations leak into interfaces and lead to incorrect code in combination with CAbstractStruct
#247 opened by nikswamy - 0
krml crashes in
#245 opened by nikswamy - 7
Name clash with `free`
#246 opened by nikswamy - 4
Functional update optimization is not performed
#249 opened by 857b - 1
CI no longer running... due to renaming of the repo?
#244 opened by msprotz - 0
Krml shifts the names of parameters in function signatures with erased arguments
#236 opened by nikswamy - 0
- 2
What should I do to update the kremlin?
#222 opened by zhaomengshan666 - 0
The js backend should better handle OOM
#217 opened by hhugo - 1
A bug in variable merging.
#216 opened by taol-assignments - 3
Build fails on native Apple M1 + macOS toolchain
#205 opened by beurdouche - 1
A bug in tail recursive optimization.
#214 opened by taol-assignments - 1
- 3
Check stack memory allocation
#209 opened by franziskuskiefer - 0
Unit buffer elimination breaks type unification when combined with buffer built-ins
#208 opened by landonf - 4
Build error
#196 opened by jlamma - 1
- 7
Consider handling ocaml-ctypes bindings in the presence of undefined C abstract types that are only manipulated through pointers
#190 opened by msprotz - 3
- 0
StackInline not inlined at extraction
#187 opened by sonmarcho - 0
Improper C generation with update_sub and NULL
#186 opened by sonmarcho - 0
Missing rewrite for `Constant.op` (?)
#185 opened by landonf - 3
FStar_String_strlen() is unsound given a string containing UTF-8 multibyte-encoded characters
#184 opened by landonf - 1
Unused argument elimination discards required field
#183 opened by landonf