FTB Ultimine


Item Tags

  • ftbultimine:excluded_tools - items in this tag can't be used for ultimining (applies to main hand slot)
  • ftbultimine:excluded_tools/strict - items in this tag can't be used for ultimining (applies to main and offhand slots)
  • ftbultimine:included_tools - if require_tool is true in server config, by default only "tool" items can be used (tiered items with durability); this can be used to allow extra items

Block Tags

  • ftbultimine:excluded_blocks - blocks in this tag may never be ultimined
  • ftbultimine:block_whitelist - if this tag is non-empty, then only blocks in this tag may be ultimined
  • ftbultimine:farmland_tillable - blocks in this tag can be ultimine-tilled with a hoe tool; includes grass & dirt blocks by default
  • ftbultimine:shovel_flattenable - blocks in this tag can be ultimine-flattened (turned to dirt path) with a shovel tool; includes grass & dirt blocks by default

FTB Ranks Integration

Following nodes can be configured via FTB Ranks:

  • ftbultimine.max_blocks - if present in a player's rank, overrides the server max_blocks config setting
  • ftbultimine.ultimine_cooldown - if present in a player's rank, overrides the server ultimine_cooldown setting