
Data Standard for last mile logistics platforms and applications.

Developing an FTC Data Standard


In this document we layout a data standard that captures the detail and complexity of the day-to-day efforts of last mile logistics, grounded but the on-going empirical work of the EPSRC project FTC2050. The data standard looks to provide a standard way of formatting and describing data to enable data analytics and open data relating to last mile freight.

Further information available:

Challenges and Aims

  • Database - Choosing the appropriate database technology - e.g. mysql vs. postgresql vs mongodb, and understanding where these databases should
  • Consistency and documentation
  • Structuring - Structured in such a way where the analysis and visualisation of the (large volumes of) data is intuitive, where relationships are clear.
    • Development of data schema and relational model (if necessary)
  • Errors - The design of the standard/protocol should consider erroneous data, data handling, data cleansing, providing clear descriptions and standards of formatting and guidelines for developers and users
  • Extendability - The standard must be able to be extended in future versions. Hence JSON...
  • Transforming multiple data sources into this standard
  • Anonymity - Raw, personally identifiable data, containing un anonymised data (e.g. real names, real clients, real customers, real
    • Developers should maintain lookup and transformation data so that mapping of data is possible
    • Hashing these strings is one option
  • Open Data - Using the structure described in this document we intend on creating open data based on the datasets provided to us by our project partners.

Data Structure and Description

Here we describe the structures for:

A simple database relationship diagram (without primary, foreign or compound keys)


For where we want anonymity to be a concern we should use UUID (Universally unique identifier) to help mask the original data.

  • Real names (e.g. consigner, consignee, company) must be redacted, kept private, and replaced with UUID to ensure privacy and anonymity. Anonymity is also important to help reduce biasing that may effect industry and workers.


A job should contain all relevant information relating to the customer's requirements, start and end locations of the parcel, physical requirements

job = {
    "uuid" :"0001", //unique id of the job
    "created": "", //the data/time that the job was created - helps contextualise priority, pick up, etc
    "courier_id":"", //the original courier the contract/job has been made with
    "depot_id":"", //the depot where the parcel starts or ends?
    "parcel_id": "", //barcode number of the item, what if there are multiple parcels?
    "consigner":"Adrian Friday Inc", //the client who has placed the order
    "consignee":"Julian Allen", //the customer
    "address":"31 Fleet Street, London",
    "postcode":"EC4Y 1AA",
    "geo_coded_address" : {
    "priority": "", //lists the priority of the item, e.g. next day
    "pick_up_by":"", //the time by which the item should be collected for delivery
    "drop_off_time":"",//feels like an event
    "events":{"10:34:33":"loaded on van",
        "12:43:23":"deposited in secure bin"}
         //either can be tuples (like in e.g.),
        // or UUID of events in event table

mandatory fields:

  • id, parcel_id, consigner, consignee, address, postcode

optional fields: ??


  • what if there are multiple parcels on a job?
  • should we be using terms and colloquialism specific to the industry, or should we use more plan and accessible English?


worker = {
    "uuid" :"0001",
    "name":"Tom Cherrett",
    "roles": {"van_driver","loader","sorter"}, //the worker
    //may have multiple potential roles that
    //they can work in within last mile logistics
    "personal_vehicle": {"PERSONAL_VAN:001"}, //
    "vehicle_license":{"LGV"},//is preference a thing?
    "constraints": {'Bad on Mondays', 'LGV license', 'prefers LGV', 'hates bicycles'},
    "tenure": '4 Years', //some description of employment history/tenure
    "employment":{'FTC Logistics','self employed'}

We should consider look up tables to describe a discrete list of possible:

  • constraints
  • roles
  • vehicle_license - what are the licenses that drivers need/have that allows for the use of different vehicles
  • vehicle_access - list of known vehicles that are accessible to workers


  • has to work for a worker and a vehicle, these must be distinguishable
waypoint = {
    "uuid" :'0001',
    "worker_id":"", //should this be merged with
    //vehicle_id??, and then the UUID for worker
    //and vehicle containing a prefix
    "trip_id": '0001'
    "latitude": '0.43',
    "longitude": '52.12',
    "elevation": '324.3' // or altitude
    "current_job" = "001" //uuid of job that is current
    "job_count" = "1" //sequence number of current job


  • not every GPS device will capture altitude, so might need to be classed as optional
  • standard units for elevation/altitude - looks like a complex discussion
  • may want job_count


Trips are the day long work loads made up of numerous jobs throughout a day. By linking corresponding location data (e.g. waypoints) to a specific vehicle or worker the trip captures the full journey of the vehicle (and worker if possible) throughout the day, helping track performance of drivers, effectiveness of parcel deliveries and the location of vehicular and other assets.

We are using the term trip as it can be used more ubiquitously than terms such as "round" or "journey" that suggest more rigid structures and are more tightly defined in last mile logistics.

trip = {
    uuid :'0001',
    assets:{'0001'}, // a list of the assests used on this trip


An asset describes a tool, or non road vehicle that may be available for last mile workers who wish to move more parcels from their vehicle on the pavement/kerb side (e.g. trolley, back pack, box on wheels).

asset = {
    "uuid" :"0001",
    "barcode":"0119681320351", //for scanning
    // when taken out on a round
    "size":"1m2", // need to have some indicator of space taken up by asset, as thus effects no. parcels able to load.
    "current_location":"" //where the asset is
    // currently, which depot, or whether out
    // on a round


Description of the individual vehicles that make up the fleet.

vehicle = {
    "uuid" :"0001",
    "vehicle_name":"1 Depot Street", //for scanning when taken out on a round
    "vehicle_type":"FTC Logistics",
    "capacity":{"weight":"500 kg",


An asset describes a tool, or non road vehicle that may be available for last mile workers who wish to move more parcels from their vehicle on the pavement/kerb side (e.g. trolley, back pack, box on wheels).

depot = {
    "uuid" :"0001",
    "address":"1 Depot Street", //for scanning when taken out on a round
    "owner":"FTC Logistics",
    "capacity":{"vans":12, "cargo_bike":50,


An event describes an action taken against a job, for example, loading onto vehicle, attempted delivery, proof of delivery, appeared on wrong van, ... . Events are an important component as they attempt to capture some of the detail of the actions taken by workers, as well as why things happen in last mile logistics. This object is useful in relational database, where as in NoSQL databases you may want to have the events as a tuple in the job.

event = {
        "timestamp":"2017-03-02 12:03:12",
        "event_name":"Proof of delivery"
         /*relational db may want to use table
         with keys for each event and another
          table with unique event names
          using e_id in event object, relating
           to an event description table*/

An event may include one of the following:

  • arrived at depot
  • ready for collection
  • proof of delivery received
  • delivered to safe location
  • delivery window changed by client (??)


  • tracing the children up to join in the trip

trip (1) <-> (many) job

job (1) <-> (many) event

trip (1) <-> (1) worker

trip (1) <-> (many) waypoint

trip (1) <-> (many) asset


Whilst I've used JSON to help draw the standard for each object in our data standard, the

JSON Schema:



  • Develop stronger use cases/scenarios + Demos
    • Inputting data
    • Data out
    • Data dashboard
    • Agent based modelling
    • API access for data analysis
      • grab all the waypoints
  • Entity relationship diagram
  • key structure for database relationships
  • identifying key fields and parameters that need to be anonymised and removed to enable Open Data
  • identify mandatory and optional fields (e.g. NULL fields)
  • think about stream lining the data structures to support dashboards, or at least build an api that pulls data out in the format described in this document
  • When is the data being put into the right format? On way into database?
  • Where do we need the data to be fast? insert performance, query performance?
    • there are types of query - viz, management, analytics
    • live system vs playback?