
Easy to use Pre-made Rounded Buttons with advanced features for Flutter.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Rounded Button

Easy to use Pre-made Rounded Buttons with advanced features for Flutter.

Check the example project.

Getting Started

First you have to add the package dependency in pubspec.yml

rounded_button: ^latest

Get the version from pub.dev

The Button is a stateless widget. So you can use it anywhere you can use stateless widget.

To use Rounded Button without icon

In your code you can use the rounded button without icon like this.

    primaryColor: Color(0xFFAC00FF),
    text: 'RoundedButton',
    onPressed: () {},

To use Rounded Button with icon

In your code you can use the rounded button with icon like this.

    primaryColor: primaryColor,
    text: 'RoundedButton',
    onPressed: () {},
    icon: Icon(

Check the optional settings for advanced use.

Optional Params

  • Added optional settings
    • icon,
    • borderColor,
    • textColor,
    • splashColor,
    • backgroundColor,
    • elevation = 3.5,
    • textStyle,
    • borderRadius,
    • padding = const EdgeInsets.all(15.0),

Other Projects

TransitionX, Rounded Button