
Web programming project for University (2020)

Primary LanguageHTML

Web programming project for university (2020)

Technologies used:


  • AirBNB-inspired website for apartment rental.
  • Supports Guest, Host and Administrator accounts
  • Guest can make and cancel reservations for available apartments
  • Guests can review apartments at which they stayed, or have been denied
  • Hosts can Accept/Deny reservations
  • Hosts can create and edit their own apartments
  • Administrators have access to everything
  • Administrator creates host accounts, Guests can create an account by themselves


Data storage consists of a series of files which store data in .txt files as JSON strings. Upon server start, JSON files are read and deserialized into Map<String, T> objects and stored in a Map variable inside of their respective DAO objects. No database has been used for this project (as per the project specification). Every change (CRUD operation) in the Map object, fires a Storage.writeAll() method, which serializes the Map into a JSON, and overwrites the existing data in the respective .txt file.

HTML is hosted and distributed using the HtmlService class, which caches all the .html files in local memory upon their first use. JS scripts are stored in the same way, and can be accessed through localhost:8080/WebProject/scripts/scriptname in the browser.

Classes for objects which needed to have their own .txt json files (Accounts, Apartments,...) are extending DatabaseEntity.
Each one of those classes has its own DAO class, which extends BeanDAO (provides basic CRUD), with some additional methods built on top of it.
REST service classes have been implemented on top of the CRUDService<T extends DatabaseEntity> class. Each REST service class is tied to 1 DatabaseEntity. It creates and holds a ServletContext reference to the T-dao extends BeanDAO which is used for accessing and manipulating data inside of the T-dao object.

Identification was kept simple, with 2 helper interfaces with default methods (SessionTracker, SessionHandler). Each client HttpSession is assigned an attribute upon login. Attribute contains a SessionToken object, which is read every time a client wants to access or modify something. Upon log out, SessionToken is removed from the HttpSession.
Each REST service class implements 1 or both of the aforementioned interfaces, in order to control who can access or modify its data.

Screenshots of important pages

  • Login screen
    Login screen

  • Apartment browse for guests Apartment browse

  • Apartment details for guests Apartment details

  • Apartment filters Apartment filters

  • Reservations overview for host Reservations overview

  • Edit apartment for host and administrator Edit apartment

  • Reviews for an apartment Reviews