
easy R interface to CouchDB

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


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An easy interface to CouchDB from R

Note: Check out R4couchdb, another R package to interact with CouchDB.

CouchDB versions

sofa is built targeting CouchDB v2 or greater.

Install CouchDB

Go to http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.0.0/install/index.html for instructions.

Connect to CouchDB

This may be starting it on your terminal/shell


Or opening the CouchDB app on your machine, or running it in docker. Whatever it is, start it up.

You can interact with your CouchDB databases as well in your browser. Navigate to http://localhost:5984/_utils

Install sofa



Development version from GitHub



Cushions? What? Since it's couch we gotta use cushions somehow. cushions are a connection class containing all connection info to a CouchDB instance. See ?Cushion for help.

As an example, connecting to a Cloudant couch:

z <- Cushion$new(
  host = "stuff.cloudant.com",
  transport = 'https',
  port = NULL,
  user = 'foobar',
  pwd = 'things'

Break down of parameters:

  • host: the base url, without the transport (http/https)
  • transport: http or https
  • port: The port to connect to. Default: 5984. For Cloudant, have to set to NULL
  • user: User name for the service.
  • pwd: Password for the service, if any.

If you call Cushion$new() with no arguments you get a cushion set up for local use on your machine, with all defaults used.

x <- Cushion$new()

Ping the server

#> $couchdb
#> [1] "Welcome"
#> $version
#> [1] "2.0.0"
#> $vendor
#> $vendor$name
#> [1] "The Apache Software Foundation"

Nice, it's working.

Create a new database, and list available databases

#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE
db_create(x, dbname = 'sofadb')
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE

see if its there now

#>  [1] "acouch"          "alm_couchdb"     "aqijhfcntb"
#>  [4] "auhgmimrls"      "avarpnvaia"      "bhlhhiwwph"
#>  [7] "bulktest"        "bvuizcrdoy"      "cats"
#> [10] "dpufyoigqf"      "drinksdb"        "fiadbzwmos"
#> [13] "flxsqfkzdf"      "gtogmgbsjx"      "helloworld"
#> [16] "jebvagbrqz"      "jxdktgmdsb"      "leothelion"
#> [19] "leothelion-json" "lgzzmzugkm"      "lhkfptkfel"
#> [22] "lyluootgvi"      "namcicfbjl"      "nqidfcpojk"
#> [25] "omdb"            "sofadb"          "spyrzxffqv"
#> [28] "sss"             "testing123"      "trkhxkopvd"
#> [31] "uwvtpnehdu"      "vswtlxhcxe"      "wqefduwgpu"
#> [34] "xhalvmxmud"      "xwrcjghvxx"      "zocaqeleye"

Create documents

Write a document WITH a name (uses PUT)

doc1 <- '{"name":"sofa","beer":"IPA"}'
doc_create(x, doc1, dbname = "sofadb", docid = "a_beer")
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE
#> $id
#> [1] "a_beer"
#> $rev
#> [1] "1-a48c98c945bcc05d482bc6f938c89882"

Write a json document WITHOUT a name (uses POST)

doc2 <- '{"name":"sofa","icecream":"rocky road"}'
doc_create(x, doc2, dbname = "sofadb")
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE
#> $id
#> [1] "e6bb43092edaf8fd987434b8a30d08bd"
#> $rev
#> [1] "1-fd0da7fcb8d3afbfc5757d065c92362c"


Write an xml document WITH a name (uses PUT). The xml is written as xml in couchdb, just wrapped in json, when you get it out it will be as xml.

write the xml

doc3 <- "<top><a/><b/><c><d/><e>bob</e></c></top>"
doc_create(x, doc3, dbname = "sofadb", docid = "somexml")
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE
#> $id
#> [1] "somexml"
#> $rev
#> [1] "1-5f06e82103a0d5baa9d5f75226c8dcb8"

get the doc back out

doc_get(x, dbname = "sofadb", docid = "somexml")
#> $`_id`
#> [1] "somexml"
#> $`_rev`
#> [1] "1-5f06e82103a0d5baa9d5f75226c8dcb8"
#> $xml
#> [1] "<top><a/><b/><c><d/><e>bob</e></c></top>"

get just the xml out

doc_get(x, dbname = "sofadb", docid = "somexml")[["xml"]]
#> [1] "<top><a/><b/><c><d/><e>bob</e></c></top>"


  • Please report any issues or bugs.
  • License: MIT
  • Get citation information for sofa in R doing citation(package = 'sofa')
  • Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
