Android proof of consept application that keeps track of important privacy and cyber security related events.
- As discussed with Peter, there was no sense to use repository layer although it is added and can be found under data/database/repository folder
- For best experience and testing purposes use API 30
- Application has fullfilled all requirements >= 5 stars!!
Sensors, Material design 3, custom theme, accessibility, broadcast receivers, Service, activity, Intents, Compose, Room, MVVM, clean code, resources, animation, good naming, easy to read code and folder structure, web service, ViewModel, LiveData, State, Coroutine, navigation, Jackson converter, Retrofit, Interceptor, APIs and Libraries, native notification, system service
- Deployment
- Features
- Known Bugs
- Theme and Usability
- Tech Stack
- Further-Development
- Screenshots
- Credits
- App is compatible for API versions 30 and under
- Enable fingerprint features in device settings
- Google Safe Browsing Lookup API requires Google API key which can be created here
- Create file in the root of the project
- Inside the file add
- Biometric fingerprint recognition
- Detection of variety of different broadcast events e.g. Wi-Fi or airplane mode state changed
- Sorting of the captured broadcast events by type
- URL address safety check screen
- Test URLs:
- Vulnerable:
- Safe:
- Test URLs:
- Settings screen where user can delete all of the captured broadcast events
- User must enable fingerprint in order to use the app
- Filtering events > Should be dropdown and dynamic
- Delete all events > Show success message and close dialog box
- Don't start searching for URL vulnerabilites when TextField is empty
- Airplane mode event > App crashes on api 31, 32, 33
- UI improvements > Not symmetric..
- Reset URL check animation when the URL text is removed from the TextField
- Warn user if there's no network connection on URL safety check screen
- Custom Material 3 theme
- Supports light and dark themes
- Description for screen readers
Language: Kotlin
Database: Local Room Database
Toolkit: Jetpack Compose
API: Google Safe Browsing Lookup
Version Control: Git & Github
- Frontend for counter of found URL vulnerables
- Authentication via password
- Give user a choice to select the way they want to authenticate with
- Allow user to choose which broadcast events are captured
- UI improvements
- Instructions / how to use the app
- And more...
Login screen
Authentication popup
Events screen
Notification of a new detected event
Settings screen
Delete events confimation popup
Safe URL address checked
Vulnerable URL address checked
- Fuwad Kalhori: @FUKA-INNOVATIONS
- Juuso Hyvönen: @Juuso300
- Remy Silanto: @remysi