
`identifierToDependency` doesn't handle EAP releases properly

PawelLipski opened this issue · 0 comments

For instance, one can't add IC-202-EAP-SNAPSHOT to runPluginVerifier.ides (assuming https://www.jetbrains.com/intellij-repository/snapshots/ is added to repositories) since Gradle tries to resolve com.jetbrains.intellij.idea:ideaIC:202 rather than com.jetbrains.intellij.idea:ideaIC:202-EAP-SNAPSHOT.

Most likely replacing def (type, version) = identifier.split("-") with sth like def (type, version) = identifier.split("-", 1) should be enough (?)

That most likely should eventually belong in gradle-intellij-plugin, just as the rest of the plugin verifier logic... but still, the point remains :)