
IntelliJ plugin for inserting random numbers, UUIDs, names, IP addresses, and much more

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


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Rather than going to random.org or making up your own random data, you can now insert random numbers, UUIDs, names, IP addresses, and much more using an IntelliJ action!

This plugin is also available on the plugin repository!

๐Ÿ“– How to use

To insert random data, press Alt + R (or โŒฅR) to open the list of available templates and choose one that suits your task. By default, a different value is inserted at each caret.

You can modify this behavior by holding a key while selecting the type of data to insert:

  • Array: Hold Shift to insert a customisable array of values.
  • Repeat: Hold Alt (or โŒฅ) to insert the same value at each caret.
  • Settings: Hold Ctrl to open the settings of that data type.

You can hold multiple modifier keys to combine their effects.

Randomness can also be found in the main menu under Tools or in Code > Generate.

Animation of how to insert data

โœจ Features

  • ๐Ÿ•ธ Data Types
    There are six basic data types that can be inserted and customised:

    1. Integers, such as 7,826,922, from a custom range, in any base from binary to hexatrigesimal.
    2. Decimals, such as 8,816,573.10, using customisable separators.
    3. Strings, such as "PaQDQqSBEH", with support for reverse regex.
    4. Words, such as "Bridge", with predefined or custom word lists.
    5. UUIDs, such as 0caa7b28-fe58-4ba6-a25a-9e5beaaf8f4b, with or without dashes.
    6. Date-times, such as 2022-02-03 19:03, or any other format you want.
  • ๐Ÿงฌ Templates
    For complex kinds of data, you can use templates. A template is a list of data types that should be concatenated to create random data. Insert phone numbers, email addresses, URLs, IP addresses, or any custom data type you can think of. Of course, Randomness comes bundled with a whole array of predefined templates to help you out. If needed, you can reuse a template by including it in another template using a reference.

    Animation of how to configure templates
  • ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Arrays
    Need a lot of data? Insert an entire array of any template you want. For example, an array of integers might look like [978, 881, 118, 286, 288]. You can customise the brackets, delimiter, and number of elements to your liking every time you insert an array, because no two arrays are the same.

    Animation of how to insert arrays
  • โŒจ๏ธ Shortcuts
    Instead of using up all your shortcuts, Randomness only uses the Alt + R (or โŒฅR) shortcut by default. However, to streamline your workflow, you can assign shortcuts to any template under your IDE's Keymap settings.

    Shortcut settings for Randomness
  • ๐Ÿ’จ Fast insertion
    The insertion popup (shown when you press Alt + R (or โŒฅR) by default) is searchable: Just type something in the popup and relevant templates will be filtered out. Or use the hotkeys that are assigned to the first 10 templates in the list: Press any digit to directly insert the corresponding template. Reorder templates in the settings menu to change which template uses which hotkey.

    Insertion popup
  • ๐Ÿ‘€ Previews
    To help you decide what settings to choose, a preview of the template is shown while you're editing.

    Preview window in Randomness

๐Ÿ’ป Development

This section contains instructions in case you want to build the plugin from source or want to help with development. Please also check the contribution guidelines.

๐Ÿ”จ Build/run

$ gradlew runIde                       # Open a sandbox IntelliJ instance running the plugin
$ gradlew buildPlugin                  # Build an installable zip of the plugin
$ gradlew buildPlugin -Pbuild.hotswap  # Same as above, but allow hot-swapping the plugin during development
$ gradlew signPlugin                   # Sign built plugin

Signing the plugin requires specific environment variables to be set to refer to appropriate key files. See Plugin Signing for more information.

๐Ÿงช Quality assurance

$ gradlew test                    # Run tests (and collect coverage)
$ gradlew test --tests X          # Run tests in class X (package name optional)
$ gradlew test -Pkotest.tags="X"  # Run tests matching tag(s) X (also supports not (!), and (&), or (|))
$ gradlew koverHtmlReport         # Create HTML coverage report for previous test run
$ gradlew check                   # Run tests and static analysis
$ gradlew runPluginVerifier       # Check for compatibility issues

๐Ÿท๏ธ Tagging and filtering tests

Kotest tests can be tagged to allow selectively running tests. The tags for Randomness are statically defined in Tags.

Tag an entire test class by adding tags(...) to the class definition, or tag an individual test context by writing context("foo").config(tags = setOf(...)) {. It is not possible to tag an individual test due to limitations in Kotest.

To run only one context in some test class X, prefix the context's name with f: and run with --tests X. The prefix f: filters out other contexts in that test class, and --tests X filters out other test classes. Alternatively, tag the desired context with the Focus tag and run with -Pkotest.tags="Focus" to filter by that tag.

๐Ÿ“š Documentation

$ gradlew dokkaHtml  # Generate documentation

๐Ÿ–ผ Icons

The icons used by the plugin are found in the file icons.sketch. You can open this file with Sketch (macOS), Lunacy (Windows), or Figma (Linux).

๐Ÿ™ Acknowledgements

I want to thank everyone who contributed something to Randomness, no matter the size of that contribution.

In chronological order of contribution:

If I should add, remove, or change anything here, just open an issue or email me!