
RANDomness doesn't save settings for Symbol sets

MartinKvL opened this issue ยท 4 comments

RANDomness doesn't save customised settings for Symbol sets

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to Setting->Tools->Randomness->Stings
  2. Define a custom Symbol Set and save it by pressing Apply and/or OK button
  3. Restart Ide
  4. Go back to the same settings page and note that it's gone

Expected behavior


Version information

  • Randomness version [e.g. 2.7.1]:
  • IDE version: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 (Ultimate Edition)
  • macOS 11.4

Additional context

Thank you for the report! I was able to reproduce the bug so I'll try to get it fixed somewhere this week.

The issue has been fixed. I will release v2.7.2 today, but Jetbrains usually takes two days to accept the update on their platform. After that you will receive a notification in your IDE. If you can't wait until then, you can also download the .zip from the release later today and install the plugin from disk.

Thanks for reporting the bug!