
Support larger ranges for longs

FWDekker opened this issue · 4 comments

As suggested by @solonovamax, ranges for longs are currently restricted to the size of a long, which prevents users from setting the range to be any long. The size of the range of longs should be unlimited.

I was originally going to make a separate issue for it, but I instead decided that it's closely enough related to this, that I'll put it here:
If you set the minimum to 0 and the maximum to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (very specifically. If you go 1 higher it overflows, 1 lower it doesn't work.) then it will "accept" it (ie: won't create the dialogue saying it's out of bounds), but will never generate anything.
Even pressing "refresh" in the settings menu won't generate new numbers.

I've created a separate bug report for the issue, because a minimal fix for that bug does not solve this issue.

I've created a separate bug report for the issue, because a minimal fix for that bug does not solve this issue.

yeah, I just thought I should mention it since (afaik) they're both caused by the same thing. So if you fix this issue, it fixes the other one.

Not the same fix, but the fixes were closely related.