
偏歪的黑趣體 Crooked Black Fun,用得意黑和斜月體修改 Modify with Smiley Sans and Smiley Moon body

SIL Open Font License 1.1OFL-1.1

偏歪的黑趣體 crooked black body


Modify with Smiley Sans and Smiley Moon body

盡力放正,還是失敗 Try your best, but fail

內容差別 Content Difference

使用字體效果 Use Font Effects

原來的字體 Original Font


Modify with Smiley Sans and Smiley Moon body

開源字體授權規定 Open Source Font Licensing Regulations

  • 本字型基於 SIL Open Font License 1.1,是得意黑斜月體修改的開源字體。

This font is based on SIL Open Font License 1.1, which is an open source font modified by Deyihei and Oblique Moon.

  • 任何人可以免費使用此字型,包含商用。無須告知原作者。

Anyone can use this font for free, including commercial use. No need to inform the original author.

  • 您可以自由傳送、分享此字型,或與其他軟體綑綁發行、銷售。捆包中必須同時包含授權文件檔(OFL.txt)。

You can freely transmit and share this font, or bundle it with other software for distribution and sales. The authorization file (OFL.txt) must also be included in the bundle.

  • 您可自由改造、衍生此字型並公開。修改後的字型必須同樣以 SIL OFL 進行發佈,並請勿使用字型的保留名稱。

You are free to modify, derive and publish this font. Modified fonts must also be published as SIL OFL and do not use reserved names for fonts.

  • 依照 SIL OFL 規定,禁止單獨出售字型檔(ttf/otf),意思是不要盜賣字體,不要躺著貪心賺錢,要尊重製作字體公司和補改字的人。

According to the regulations of SIL OFL, it is forbidden to sell font files (ttf/otf) separately, which means do not steal and sell fonts, do not lie greedy for money, and respect font companies and A person who corrects words.