Database with efficiency parameters from public Heatpump Keymark datasets as well as parameter-sets and functions in order to simulate heat pumps (manufacturer+model or generic type)
- 0-kBerlin
- Alexxander0
- DavidDB33
- ddcerutiTU München
- dfurrer
- fabmidTechnical University of Berlin
- fastrockstar
- fneumTU Berlin
- GiselaStrick
- GustavHey
- Hoffmann77Germany
- jnnrTU Delft
- l-kotzurFounder minimum energy, Freelancer
- Ludee@rl-institut
- Ly0n@open-energy-transition @protontypes
- MarcoWirtznPro Energy
- mfleschutzHKA
- mrcjkbtiko Energy Solutions AG
- nesnojReiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH
- p-snftGerman Aerospace Center
- PhilippHee
- piliadis
- plokkingmachine
- robinvp1901
- ryangilmour@scene-connect
- shmlzrDeutsche Bahn
- simonmaehlmann
- skortmann
- sonejostudios
- squoilinUniversity of Liège
- stap-m
- tbrumueETH Zurich
- tmerker
- TobiSan5
- tomam28
- xihaui