
Example of using centrifuge-mobile library on Android

Primary LanguageJava

Simple example of using centrifuge-mobile library for Android development.

You need to download library build for Android from releases page.

In archive you will find centrifuge.aar file that is library built for all Android architectures. To use it with Android Studio project:

File → New → New Module → Import .JAR/.AAR package → write path to centrifuge.aar and click Finish button


File → Project Structure → app → Dependencies → Add Module Dependency → add centrifuge to dependency list

Look at example in this repo to get basic understanding of how to use library. Note that should add special permission for app in AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Don't forget to run Centrifuge-based server (or Centrifugo). And also change connection address to yours accordingly.