
A simple jelly simulation using Position Based Dynamics

Primary LanguageC++


A simple jelly simulation using Position Based Dynamics.


This project references to the famous Position based dynamics (PBD). However, traditional PBD has several problems

  • The stiffness is depend on time step.
  • Setting relative stiffness is difficult.

To address these problem, XPBD is introduced by Miles Macklin and his fellows. Unlike original PBD, XPBD allows users to accurately and efficiently simulate arbitrary elastic and dissipative energy potentials in an implicit manner.


Click on JellySimulation.sln and build it in Visual Studio (2019 is prefered).


  • OpenGL 3.2+
  • Assimp 4.1
  • GLM
  • GLFW

Background - Position-based dynamics

In PBD, each constraints updates its position with

\Delta x = k_js_jM^{-1}\nabla C_j(x_i),

where i denotes the iteration index, j is the constraint index, and k \in[0,1]. And s_j is the scalaring factor that

s_j = \dfrac{-C_j(x_i)}{\nabla C_j M^{-1} \nabla C_j^T}

Original PBD algorithm

  1. Predict position with velocity $v$ and external forces f_{ext}
  2. Initialize x_0
  3. while i < iterationCount
    • Compute \Delta x
    • Update\Delta x
  4. Update positions
  5. Update velocities
    • v_{n+1} = \frac{1}{\Delta t}(x_{n+1} - x_{n})

In contrast, XPBD uses Lagrangian rather than throw away that value. It is accumulated in a per-constraint variable \lambda.

XPBD algorithm

  1. Predict positionx_{predict} with velocity $v$ and external forces f_{ext}
  2. Initialize x_0
  3. Initialize \lambda_0 = 0
  4. While i < iterationCount
    • Compute \Delta x
    • Compute \Delta \lambda
    • Update x = x + \Delta x
    • Update \lambda = \lambda + \Delta \lambda
  5. Update positions
  6. Update velocities
    • v_{n+1} = \frac{1}{\Delta t}(x_{n+1} - x_{n})

Experiment Result


  • CPU: Intel® Xeon® Processor E3-1231 v3
  • GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • OS: Windows 10 pro, 64-bit



  • Stiffness settings
    • PBD stiffness: 0.025
      • The value of PBD stiffness locates between 0 to 1
    • XPBD compliance: 0.0005 (m/N)
    • Notice: PBD and XPBD stiffness is very hard to compare (not in the same unit) because PBD stiffness is relative stiffness.


  • M. Müller, B. Heidelberger, M. Hennix, and J. Ratcliff, “Position based dynamics,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 18, pp. 109–118, apr 2007.
  • M. Macklin, M. Müller, and N. Chentanez, “XPBD,” in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Motion in Games - MIG '16, ACM Press, 2016.


License: MIT