
Simple crud application developed using spring boot

Primary LanguageJava

Crud Spring Boot

Status: Finished ✔️


What is it?

A back-end project of a CRUD using Java and Spring Boot.


  • Java 12+
  • Spring Boot (version 2.1.7.RELEASE)
  • MySQL 6.0+

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • MySQL


  • Clone the repository for your device;
  • Import it as a MAVEN project;
  • Under src/main/resources/applicationModel.properties modify the file name applicationModel.properties to application.properties;
  • In the application.properties file, edit the USER and PASSWORD of your MySQL database;
  • In your Postman client, import requests from the ProjetoSB.postman_collection.json file.



Run Application

After meeting the requirements and installation, run the main method as a spring boot app in ProjetoSbApplication.java


  • This project doesn't start the database with test data, the first CRUD method run must be the POST to populate the database
  • After you add the requests to your Postman client, you'll have access to the following API features
Entities/Methods Produto
(GET) Listar ✔️
(GET) Buscar Por Id ✔️
(GET) Buscar Por Parte Do Nome ✔️
(GET) Buscar Por Página ✔️
(POST) Adicionar ✔️
(DEL) Excluir ✔️