
a simple photo browser

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


a simple photo browser


  • use cocoapods
pod 'LPPhotoViewer', '~> 0.0.6'
  • manual import
just download lib folder and add into your project


  • initialize imgae url array or UIImage objs
    self.urlArrays  = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    self.imgArrays  = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    [self.urlArrays addObject:@"https://drscdn.500px.org/photo/42393810/q=80_m=2000/fed5ccbf106c289f62e5762df92f1438"];
    [self.urlArrays addObject:@"https://drscdn.500px.org/photo/146441995/q=80_m=2000/0a6e687c0750ea05abf709bbd8c3d7f8"];
    [self.urlArrays addObject:@"https://drscdn.500px.org/photo/146512755/q=80_m=2000_k=1/62c584ed280fb11bbdb7d1c5451b6676"];
    [self.urlArrays addObject:@"https://drscdn.500px.org/photo/146409463/q=80_m=2000/9658bd373b7f84799dda05253d404a5d"];
    [self.imgArrays addObject:[UIImage imageNamed:@"carousel01"]];
    [self.imgArrays addObject:[UIImage imageNamed:@"carousel02"]];
    [self.imgArrays addObject:[UIImage imageNamed:@"carousel03"]];
  • set properties for LPPhotoViewer
LPPhotoViewer *pvc = [[LPPhotoViewer alloc] init];
// 1. for image urls
pvc.imgArr = self.urlArrays;

// 2. for UIImage objs
pvc.imgArr = self.imgArrays;

/** for custom properties */
// 1. show from specify index
pvc.currentIndex = 2;

// 2. indicatorType: IndicatorTypeNumLabel or IndicatorTypePageControl or none
pvc.indicatorType = IndicatorTypeNumLabel;
  • present LPPhotoViewer
[self presentViewController:pvc animated:YES completion:nil];



LPPhotoViewer will upgrade to 1.x & Swift3 which will be much better performance soon

Release notes

ver. 0.0.6

add fade in transition effect & fade out drag effect

ver. 0.0.5

new progress view & drag bugfix

ver. 0.0.4

add vertical drag gesture for dismiss

ver. 0.0.3

add zoom reset fix

ver. 0.0.2

add pageControl indicate type

ver. 0.0.1

first commit