
Quiz is a simple PHP application on MVC design pattern.

Primary LanguagePHP


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Quiz is a simple PHP application on MVC design pattern.

Project description

Upon arriving on the home page, visitors see the list of available quizzes. A link also allows them to connect. By clicking on the title of a quiz, we consult the details of a quiz. On the quiz page, the quiz information and the list of questions are displayed. Unconnected visitors can only view the list of questions, while connected visitors can play.


  • create a DB and configure the config.dist.conf (/src)
  • import into the DB the structure (sql/oquiz-struct.sql) then the data (sql/oquiz-data.sql).
  • install Composer dependencies (AltoRouter, Plates)


  • A quiz is created by a user, and is composed of several questions.
  • Each question has 4 propositions, only one of which is correct. In database the correct answer is in the prop1 field of the questions table.
  • The questions are characterized by a difficulty level
  • The database also contains the data relating to the users of the site.

User Test

Ready to play?

Enjoy, it's free to use and share!



I made this application to practice PHP on MVC design pattern with OOP.