Code instructions

We assume some basic knowledge of the R programming language. If instructions are followed, this should be fully reproducible using R studio. For further comments on the results of this analysis please refer to the main paper, or please find [the contacts informations][Contacts] to get in touch with the authors to report bugs or problems.

Data and R code scripts to replicate figures and analysis can be downloaded from here.

Wrangled datasets of all the data mentioned in Table SI and SII are available in the data folder.

The R code was built with r getRversion() and was written using R-studio IDE (v.1.2.5033), as well as this document, using the following packages that can be installed in R or through R-studio using the following commands:

  • install.packages("tidyverse")
  • install.packages("readr")
  • install.packages("cowplot")
  • install.packages("ggthemes")
  • install.packages("broom")
  • install.packages("knitr")
  • install.packages("RCurl")
  • install.packages("janitor")
  • install.packages("ggfortify")
  • install.packages("FactoMineR")
  • install.packages("stringr")
  • install.packages("igraph")
  • install.packages("tools")

Datasets are stored in the data folder and are five .csv text files:

  • HabitatProtectedDataset: which contains all the habitat extensions in pixels for each country, as well as the area of each country Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In particular, it has 6 columns: - Country.ID as integer representing the unique code for each of the world's EEZs; - Country as factor with 203 levels representing all the countries' EEZ excluding landlocked countries and disputed territories; - Pixel_total is the total number of pixels (1km cell) represented by the EEZ; - Habitat as factor with 12 levels representing the habitat studied; - Cat as factor with 10 levels representing different protections scenarios: - Total is the total number of pixel of the habitat within the EEZ; - mpa_all is the total number of pixel within all existing mpa; - mpa_all_m is the total number of pixel within all mpa with a management plan declared in the WDPA dataset; - mpa_all_nt is the total number of pixel within a no-take MPA; - other factors with coastal names refers to the same scenarios but only considering coastal protected areas; - marine refers to the same scenarios but only considering exclusively marine protected areas.
  • International_agreements: which contains information about the international conventions / agreements made over the years to protect marine and oceanic waters;
  • pressures_gdp_biodiversity: which contains the environmental pressures, the total GDP (Gross Domestic Product in USD) and the estimated biodiversity for each of the country;
  • world_wilderness_protected: which contains the wilderness within each of the habitat selected (wilderness is from Jones et al., 2018); and how much of the habitat is under protection globally (expressed as number of pixels).
  • world_wilderness_protected: which contains % of wilderness and how much of the habitat is under protection globally (expressed as %).

While all data used are available open source, some have rules for their use. Therefore, these data cannot be shared without explicit permission from the data providers.
