
NodsJS clientserver (client-/resourceserver) for UMA-Workflow

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

You should have read Structure of Project in the externalServer repository to succesfully build the project.

Client-/Resource Servers

This project contains two node server applications (Resource- and Client-Server)
extended on an existing node openid client project (-> Node-OpenID-Client)
to build a working UMA-Workflow (-> UMA-Docs)
in combination with a Gluu server (Version 3.1.4) as the Authorization-Server (-> Gluu-Docs).

In order to run the two servers,
the config.js file needs to be edited in the following lines:

  • var gluuServerAddess -> Host address from the Gluu server
  • var umaRealm -> Host address without http/https
  • var client-/resourceServer address and port -> Host address and port for both servers
  • clientID and clientSecret for both servers (resource-/clientServer)
    You get the clientIDs from the Gluu administration.
    We need to fetch the two iNum-IDs which were generated in the GluuClientSetup instruction process.
    The clientSecret should be "fraunhofer" unless you have chosen another at the gluu client creation.

Example configuration:

Key Value
gluuServerAddress (Gluu Host)
umaRealm "" (Gluu Host)
resourceServerAddress http://{domain/IP}:4000
resourceServerPort 4000
resourceServerId ResourceServer iNum from Gluu
resourceServerSecret fraunhofer
clientServerAddress http://{domain/IP}:3000
clientServerPort 3000
clientServerId ClientServer iNum from Gluu
clientServerSecret fraunhofer

Run both servers seperatly in terminal (at externalServer/lib):

node resourceServer.js
node clientServer.js

To avoid issues when running the servers local behind a proxy type following in front:

NO_PROXY="localhost" node resourceServer.js
NO_PROXY="localhost" node clientServer.js

OpenID Workflow URLs (for both servers)

  • /login Trigger the OpenID Authorization Process to obtain PAT (Protection API Token, needed to access UMA relevant Gluu-Endpoints)
  • /callback This URL is called by the Gluu Authorization Server as a callback from /login | Delievers TokenSet
  • /userInfo Delievers OpenID-secured User-Information specified with chosen scopes

UMA Flow URLs (resource server)

  • /resourceRegistration Registers HearthRateService with hearthRate scope (hardcoded)
  • /resourceSets Overwiew for all registered ResourceSet-IDs
  • /resourceSets/[id] Delievers information for a ResourceSet with the given ID
  • /hearthRate Endpoint for the clientServer to trigger the Resource Authorization Process
    and access the resource (hearth rate) by presenting a RPT (Requesting Party Token) with sufficent rights
  • /permission Endpoint to obtain a UMA-Ticket (in general will be forwarded to client server)

UMA Flow URLs (client server)

  • /getHearthRate Endpoint to communicate with resourceServer and start UMA-Authorization Process
    (creates hearthRate.txt after successfull resource request)
  • /umaToken Delievers a new TokenSet (RPT and PCT) in exchange for presenting an adequate UMA-Ticket


To pass data from the python script to the resourceServer, a socket via socket.io is configured to listen on "measurement".