
SYSTOPIA's Google Summer of Code project: CiviFundraiser. See http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRM/Google+Summer+of+Code+-+2015#GoogleSummerofCode-2015-StrategicFundraisingandCampaigning

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


SYSTOPIA's Google Summer of Code project: CiviFundraiser. See description

Quickstart Guide


  1. (If not already done) Enable extensions in CiviCRM
  2. Navigate to the extension folder and either
  • git clone https://github.com/systopia/de.systopia.campaign or
  • download and unzip the current release into it
  1. In CiviCRM go to "Administer" > "System Settings" >"Manage Extensions"
  2. You should see the extension in the list, if not click on "refresh"
  3. Enable the extension


After the extension has been enabled every campaign entry on the campaign dashboard (/civicrm/campaign) contains a new link to the extended campaign dashboard. Click on View to navigate to it.


In case of an update follow these steps in order to safely upgrade your installation:

  1. In CiviCRM go to "Administer" > "System Settings" >"Manage Extensions"
  2. Disable the extension
  3. Uninstall the extension
  4. Navigate to the extension folder and either
  • git pull or
  • remove the current files, download and unzip the updated release into it
  1. In CiviCRM go to "Administer" > "System Settings" >"Manage Extensions"
  2. Install and then enable the extension


Follow this link to get to the full version of the documentation