
Repository for Ben Barrett's MSc dissertation.

Primary LanguagePython

Code for "Lipschitz VAEs: Certifiably Robust Variational Autoencoders"

Provided in support of Ben Barrett's dissertation, in partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Science in Statistical Science, University of Oxford, 2020.

This repository builds on the implementation of Lipschitz-constrained fully-connected neural networks provided by Anil et al., 2019. We extend this code base to VAEs, providing code for the architecture, learning objective, and training of VAEs with Lipschitz-constrained encoders and decoders. We also provide code to evaluate the tightness of bounds used in the derivation of our main results, along with a number of scripts for experiments involving adversarial attacks on VAEs.

Getting Started

The following assumes first-time use.

  1. Create a conda environment and activate it:
conda create -n lnets python=3.5
conda activate lnets
  1. Install PyTorch here.
  2. Install torchnet using:
pip install git+https://github.com/pytorch/tnt.git@master
  1. Navigate to the root of the project, and run the following to install the necessary dependencies:
python setup.py install
  1. Add the project root to the PYTHONPATH, using:

Code Overview

Selected files and directories are highlighted below.

├── models
│   └── architectures
│       └── VAE.py                          "Specifies the VAE architecture." 
│   └── model_types
│       └── VAE_MNIST_model.py              "Computes the VAE learning objective for MNIST."
├── tasks
│       └── vae
│           └── mains
│               └── train_VAE.py            "Training code."
│               └── ortho_finetune.py       "Runs Bjorck Orthonormalization for more iterations."
│               └── latent_space_attack.py  "Implements a latent space attack."
│               └── max_damage_attack.py    "Implements maximum damage attacks and r-robustness margin estimation."
│               └── model_checks.py         "Verifies the Lipschitz continuity constraints."
│               └── visualize_latents.py    "Visualizes the learned encoder."
│               └── utils.py                "Plotting and margin bound computation."
│           └── configs
│               └── mnist                   "Houses configuration files for different VAEs for MNIST."
├── other_experiments
│   └── evaluate_bounds.py                  "Evaluates the tightness of intermediate steps in the derivation of Bounds 1 and 2."
├── scripts                                 "Houses miscellaneous bash scripts to train different VAEs and run experiments."

Key Variables in Configuration Files

The directory lnets/tasks/vae/configs contains a number of files to configure different VAEs. Key variables in these configuration files are:

  • model.linear.type: Options include "standard" (a standard linear layer) and "bjorck" (a linear layer involving Bjorck Orthonormalization).
  • model.latent_dim: An integer specifying the dimension of the VAE latent space.
  • model.*.l_constant (where * is a stand-in for encoder_mean, encoder_std_dev or decoder): The Lipschitz constant of the relevant model component.
  • model.activation: The default activations functions of each model component. Options include "relu" (the ReLU activation) and "groupsort" (the GroupSort activation from Anil et al., 2019).
  • model.*.layers (where * is again a stand-in for encoder_mean, encoder_std_dev or decoder): A list specifying the hidden dimensions of the linear layers constituting the relevant model component.