- Install the package:
composer require fabiancernota/twitterhelper:dev-master
- Go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and create a new app with read-only permissions.
- Go to "Keys and Access Tokens" tab and copy the access tokens to your
file in the following way:
oauthAccessToken: XXX
oauthAccessTokenSecret: XXX
consumerKey: XXX
consumerSecret: XXX
That's all! Now you can use the ready-made FabianCernota.TwitterHelper:Timeline
TS object, e.g.:
root = FabianCernota.TwitterHelper:Timeline {
user = 'neoscms'
count = 100
To adjust the looks, alter the FabianCernota.TwitterHelper:Tweet
TS object. It has tweet
context variable with all of the fields described here: https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/tweets
Or you can use the EEL helper directly to make any kind of GET request to the Twitter API, e.g.:
${Twitter.getRequest('statuses/user_timeline', 'screen_name=neoscms&count=10')}
The EEL helper takes two arguments: Twitter API GET endpoint name and GET arguments for that endpoint.