Language Model Assignment Analyser: Analyze LLM solutions for programming problems. Interactive, modular and extendable

Primary LanguagePython

LMAA - Language Model Assignment Analyzer

This is LLMA (Language Model Assignment Analyser), an all-round software-system for uploading, solving and analysing educational assignments. With LLMs on the rise, educators face the challenge of considering the implications of generated content when creating exercises and exams. LMAA is a platform designed for collecting existing and novel assignments and comparing them in terms of language model generability. The resulting information, may give educators insight into the current state of LLMs in their field of work and support them in creating novel assignments which are not so easily solvable by language models.

Table of Contents

  1. How to use
    1. Setup
    2. Run
  2. Advanced management tasks
    1. Logging system
    2. Database system
    3. Communication system
  3. More information

1. How to use

The LMAA-Application is split into four primary components: Assignments, Communication, Testing and Visualisation.

To start, an educator may enter assignments and classification data. For assignments many language models may be called multiple times to generate a solution. To test solutions, educators may add and execute testcases. To get an overview, the test results and additional factors can be visualised.

1.1. Setup

For initial setup run setup.py. This will create the required file structures and the database, including language model detection.

python setup.py

1.2. Run

The application can be started by running run.py. Make sure to finish the setup before starting the application.

python run.py

2. Advanced management tasks

2.1. Logging System

The logging system is structured as follows:

  • Console logging: Only for Django logging
  • Django logging: For Django logging and other system processes

The logfile is located according to config/system_config.yaml. The default location is logs/lmaa-log.log

2.2. Database System

The database system is handled by Django Models. The database structure is accordingly defined in <appname>/models.py.

By default SQLite is used as a database system. The database file is located according to config/system_config.yaml. The default location is data/lmaa-local.db

2.3. Communicator System

The communicator system can be dynamically extended. Correctly configured and implemented communicators will automatically be available in the CommunicationManager and the django frontend upon the next startup.

2.3.1. Adding new communicators

New communicators may be added at any point to scripts.communication.impl. When implementing a new communicator be sure to comply with the following instructions:

  1. Create new python file in /scripts/communication/impl
  2. Create a class with the mandatory name-schema ___CommunicatorImpl inheriting from Communicator
  3. Define all request properties necessary for API calls in the class-property properties
    1. The property containing the user-input must always be named prompt
    2. Properties may have one of 3 types (str,int,float), as implemented by PropertyType. If additional types are required, the frontend must be adapted
    3. A property can be mandatory or optional. Optional properties must contain a default value
    4. A property may or may not be a configuration-property. Configuration properties are properties displayed in the frontend form /communication/new/configure
  4. Define the display name of the Communicator in the class-property name
  5. Implement __init__ containing a super-call (super().__init__('<CommunicationName>'))
  6. Implement all abstract methods from Communicator as described in the documentation

The provided implementation found in communicator_openai_chat_completion.py may be used as a guide.

If all steps have been completed correctly the CommunicationManager will automatically detect the implementation and make it available via get_implementations().

2.3.2. Removing outdated communicators

Outdated communicators may not necassarily be removed, but it is possible. Solutions stored in the database only contain the name of the implementation.

When removing a communicator be sure to comply with the following instructions:

  1. Delete/Remove the implementation file in /scripts/communication/in. If not removed, django will automatically re-detect the Communicator upon the next startup.
  2. Clean-up the database tables llm and llm_property

3. More information

LMAA was developed as a part of the thesis Application of generative AI in introductory programming courses at TU Wien Informatics by Fabian Hagmann.