
Integration of the shoveler game engine for SpatialOS

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



This repository contains an example integration of the shoveler game engine into Improbable's SpatialOS. Like shoveler itself, the engine integration is written purely in C. SpatialOS is primarily used together with its dedicated integrations for popular game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine, but it also includes lower-level language SDKs for C, C++ and C# which can be used to integrate any game engine. This project uses the C SDK to run shoveler workers on both the client and the server side to implement a simple interactive 3D sandbox demo game, which harnesses the power of SpatialOS to enable multiplayer in the cloud. Though I work at Improbable, this is a personal project built in my free time using publicly available resources. It is not an Improbable product.

There are currently two playable demos, boxes and tiles. Since this integration defines the whole game world within the SpatialOS simulation, both demos can be played with the exact same client worker binary.

Lights demo

lights demo screenshot

Client workers render a 3D world with moving light sources and simple geometry such as cubes and planes, while the server worker does basic client lifecycle management and object spawning on behalf of clients. Each player is a small point light with a random color that can fly around freely with WASD + mouse controls, and spawn cubes of their color by clicking the right mouse button. Players can see each other flying around and placing cubes, and everything in the world is fully persistent even if players disconnect.

Tiles demo

tiles demo screenshot

Client workers render a 2D world based on tile mapping, while the server worker does basic client lifecycle management and world interaction on behalf of clients. Each player is represented by a sphere that can move around in the world with arrow key controls but collides with objects, and can dig a hole in the ground at their current position by clicking the right mouse button. World data is dynamically streamed in and out as players move around or press the W and S keys to zoom, which will adjust their interest to always keep the screen filled. Players can see each other moving around and digging holes, and everything in the world is fully persistent even if players disconnect. Lightweight bot clients can be started that more around randomly in the world and cause load similar to what a player would generate for scale testing.

The tileset assets used in this demo were kindly provided to me by Charles Micou.


If you've just navigated to this repository on GitHub for the first time and are looking to get started, I recommend you select one of the stable version tags from the table below instead of using the master branch. While I try to keep master as stable as possible, most active development happens there and I do accidentally break things from time to time.

Version SpatialOS SDK Project Structure Release Notes
master C (version 16.0.0) FPL, standalone n/a (active development)
0.6 C (version 15.0.1) FPL, standalone SpatialOS 15, new shoveler ECS port, schema generation
0.5 C (version 14.5.0) FPL beta pure C implementation, improvements to hearbeating and logging
0.4 C, C++ (version 14.4.1) FPL beta C player client, simulated player bot client
0.3 C++ (version 14.1.0) FPL beta full query-based interest support
0.2 C++ (version 13.7.1) FPL beta FPL port, working tiles demo
0.1 C++ (version 13.5.1) SPL Initial release, working lights demo

Repository structure

The overall directory structure of this repository was chosen to comply with the SpatialOS beta flexible project structure while still integrating nicely with the CMake build system. The most important files and directories in the repository are:


shoveler-spatialos was tested to compile out of the box on Linux (tested with gcc and clang) and Windows (tested with Visual Studio 2019). It might work on other platforms, but since I do not have access to them I am unable to support them and guarantee that they work.


You need to have CMake 3.13 or later and the spatial CLI both installed and available in your system PATH. You also need a bash-compatible shell on Windows, which you should have through your Git installation that you will also need to clone this repository.

On Linux, you further need headers for the X Window System. If you are using a Linux distribution based on the APT package manager such as Debian or Ubuntu, you can install them with the following command:

sudo apt-get install xorg-dev libxi-dev

You also need a SpatialOS account that you can create for free here.

To run clients, your machine needs a graphics card with a driver supporting OpenGL 4.5 or later.


Clone the repository and switch into it:

git clone https://github.com/FabianHahn/shoveler-spatialos
cd shoveler-spatialos

Optionally, you might want to check out the latest stable tag:

git checkout v0.6

Create a CMake build directory and switch into it:

mkdir build
cd build

Run CMake to configure the project, which includes downloading the correct version of the SpatialOS C SDK, the schema compiler, and the standard library schema:

# Linux: (select either a debug or a release build)
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. # debug build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # release build

# Windows:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..

Depending on the speed of your Internet connection, this step might take a while the first time you run it!

The following command will build a complete project assembly by generating a descriptor for the included schema, compiling shoveler and its dependencies, compiling the seeders and running them to generate initial snapshots, and building executables for all included workers:

# Linux: (select the number of threads to compile with)
make # compile with a single thread
make -j$(nproc) # compile with all CPU hyperthreads

# Windows: (select either a debug or a release build)
cmake --build . --config debug # debug build
cmake --build . --config release # release build

Local deployment

To run a local deployment, simply run one of the following command:

spatial alpha local launch --launch_config=lights.json --snapshot=build/seeders/lights.snapshot --runtime_version=15.3.0 # start the lights demo
spatial alpha local launch --launch_config=tiles.json --snapshot=build/seeders/tiles.snapshot --runtime_version=15.3.0 # start the tiles demo

Once the SpatialOS Runtime has started up, you should be able to open the Inspector in your browser and see the entities present in the seed snapshot, as well as a connected managed server worker.

To connect a client worker, switch to the right directory and simply run it with the correct arguments pointing to your local deployment:

# Linux:
cd build/workers/client
./ShovelerClient # launch with random worker ID
./ShovelerClient ShovelerClient1 localhost 7777 # launch with specific worker ID

# Windows:
cd build/workers/client/Release
ShovelerClient.exe # launch with random worker ID
ShovelerClient.exe ShovelerClient1 localhost 7777 # launch with specific worker ID

When running locally, you can either specify zero or three arguments. In the latter case, the first argument to the ShovelerClient executable is the worker ID to use, the second one is the hostname to connect to, and the third one is the Receptionist port of the SpatialOS Runtime.

You can connect multiple clients to the same local deployment as long as you choose a fresh worker ID that hasn't been used before since the deployment was started.

To run a simulated bot player client, use the bot_client directories and the ShovelerBotClient executable names.

Cloud deployment

While it is perfectly fine to connect to cloud deployments from Windows, SpatialOS currently only runs server workers built for Linux. If you start a cloud deployment from a Windows assembly, it will report errors trying to start server workers, and clients won't be able to complete their login.

Start by editing the spatialos.json configuration file and replace the value of the "projectName" entry with your SpatialOS project name in quotes. You can see your project name by visiting the SpatialOS console page.

Next, you need to upload your built assembly. You can choose any assembly name you like, the following is just an example:

spatial alpha cloud upload -a spatialos-shoveler-assembly

To launch a cloud deployment, run the following command from the root directory of the project. You have to specify the same assembly name as before, and further an arbitrary deployment name, which in this example is simply shoveler_spatialos:

spatial alpha cloud launch -a spatialos-shoveler-assembly -d shoveler_spatialos --launch_config=lights.json --snapshot=build/seeders/lights.snapshot --runtime_version=15.3.0 # launch lights demo
spatial alpha cloud launch -a spatialos-shoveler-assembly -d shoveler_spatialos --launch_config=tiles.json --snapshot=build/seeders/tiles.snapshot --runtime_version=15.3.0 # launch tiles demo

It will take a few minutes for your deployment to start up, which you can also monitor in the SpatialOS console. As soon as it is running, open the deployment overview page in the console and click on the "LAUNCH" button on the left side. This will open a dialog instructing you to install the SpatialOS Launcher. The Launcher currently only supports clients built with Unity or Unreal Engine and thus won't work to start client workers for this project, so ignore Step 1 and instead copy the link that the blue "Launch" button in Step 2 points to (e.g. in Chrome: right click, select "copy link address"). Then connect a client by simply passing this link as its only command line argument in quotes:

# Linux:
cd build/workers/client
./ShovelerClient "spatialos.launch:project_name-shoveler_spatialos?token=ey..."

# Windows:
cd build/workers/client/Release
ShovelerClient.exe "spatialos.launch:project_name-shoveler_spatialos?token=ey..."

You can connect any number of clients from any number of different machines using the same login token. Since the worker executables are statically linked, you can distribute them directly without including any other files from the repository or the build.

Input bindings

When running a client worker, click into the window's drawing area to enable mouse and keyboard input for that worker. You can detach input capture again by pressing the Alt + Tab key combination and switch out to a different window. While input is captured, the following bindings are available:

  • Mouse movement: Control the camera tilt in 3D mode.
  • Right mouse button: Interact with the world, currently by spawning a cube in the lights demo or digging a hole in the tiles demo.
  • W, A, S, D, Ctrl, Spacebar: Control the camera position in 3D mode.
  • Arrow keys: Control the character in 2D mode.
  • W, S: Control the zoom in 2D mode.
  • Escape: Terminate the client worker.
  • F7: Toggle between static interest and dynamic interest updates.
  • F8: Toggle between 2D mode and 3D mode independent of running demo.
  • F9: Dump a worker view dependency graph to a file in GraphViz DOT format.
  • F10: Toggle between normal texture rendering and UV coordinate debug visualization mode.
  • F11: Toggle between windowed mode and fullscreen mode.


Entity component system

Shoveler comes with its own entity component system (ECS) that is documented in the main shoveler repository. In this projects, shoveler's ECS concepts are mapped onto SpatialOS concepts as follows:

  • Shoveler's and SpatialOS's entity IDs are both 64-bit integers and are used interchangeably.
  • There is a direct mapping between shoveler's component type IDs and SpatialOS component IDs defined in the common worker library.
  • Using the component ID mapping, a schema generator uses shoveler's schema to generate a SpatialOS schema that is then compiled into a SpatialOS schema bundle. Shoveler's component type fields are used as SpatialOS component type fields. The only SpatialOS component field types used are the ones needed by shoveler component type fields.
  • The game world is initialized using seeder programs that write a SpatialOS snapshot with entities and components to later be loaded in a deployment.
  • The client executable uses a shoveler client system and shoveler's schema to create a shoveler world. Incoming ops from the SpatialOS worker SDK that add entities and components are then added to the shoveler world using the component ID mapping. Incoming component updates are translated into canonical shoveler component field updates. Non-canonical updates on authoritative components in the shoveler world are translated back into SpatialOS component updates that are sent back to the Runtime. This is how character movement works, which is currently client side authoritative.