
Code accompanying the paper "Uncertainty Quantification for Scale-Space Blob Detection"

Primary LanguagePython

Uncertainty Quantification for Scale-Space Blob Detection

This repository contains the Python code that accompanies the paper

Uncertainty Quantification for Scale-Space Blob Detection.

In particular, it contains the code that was used to produce all figures in the paper.


  • Fabian Parzer (University of Vienna)
  • Clemens Kirisits (University of Vienna)
  • Otmar Scherzer (University of Vienna, RICAM Linz, CD Lab "MaMSi")


This repository is structures as follows:

  • examples/: Contains the code for the numerical experiments in section 5 of the paper.
  • src/: Contains the implementation of the main routines.
  • tests/: Contains unit tests written in pytest for the most important modules.

The figures can be reproduced with by running the scripts

  • run_one_dimensional_deconvolution.py: For the deconvolution example (section 5.1/5.3 of the paper),
  • run_stellar_recovery.py: For the stellar-recovery-example (section 5.2/5.3) of the paper.


If you have any questions regarding this repository, feel free to write an email to fabian.kai.parzer@univie.ac.at.