
A curated collection of PowerShell scripts packaged into a module.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


A curated list of Powershell functions and filters wrapped into a module. Over 210 functions/filters.

Install the module

To install the module run the following command:

Install-Module PoshFunctions

Copy the PoshFunctions folder into one of the folders specified in the $env:PSMODULEPATH folders.

To display the paths enter the following command.


To display in a way better understood by you the human:

$env:PSMODULEPATH -Split ';'

Or you can save it to a variable

$ModPath = $env:PSMODULEPATH -Split ';'

Then you can reference a particular path


Import the module

To import the module enter the following command

Import-Module -Name PoshFunctions


For the functions themselves see Functions folder.

Name                           Synopsis
----                           --------
Compare-ObjectProperty         Compares two objects property by property.
Compare-ObjectSetComplement    Compares 2 arrays of strings and returns The SET COMPLEMENT of the arrays
Compare-ObjectSetDifference    Compares 2 arrays of strings and returns The SET DIFFERENCE of the arrays
Compare-ObjectSetIntersection  Compares 2 arrays of strings and returns The SET INTERSECTION of the arrays
Compare-ObjectSetUnion         Compares 2 arrays of strings and returns The SET UNION of the arrays
Compare-PSGalleryObject        Compares the installed module(s) or script(s) that have been installed from 
ConvertFrom-Base64             Convert from a Base64 string to normal string
ConvertFrom-Binary             Convert an string or string array from binary to an integer
ConvertFrom-DateTime           Converts a datetime into a datetime represented in a different format.
ConvertFrom-FsRight            To convert a [uint32] FileSystemRight value into a human readable form
ConvertFrom-Hex                Convert an string or string array from hexadecimal to an integer
ConvertFrom-HtmlEncode         Converts a URL encoded string back into a normal string
ConvertFrom-RomanNumeral       Converts a roman numeral to a number.
ConvertFrom-UrlEncode          Converts a URL encoded string back into a normal string
ConvertFrom-UTC                Converts a datetime from UTC to local time
ConvertFrom-XML                Convert XML to an object
Convert-HexToRGB               Converts Hex to RGB values
Convert-Int32ToUint32          Converts int32 values to uint32 values
Convert-Int64ToText            Convert integer to English text
Convert-ObjectToHashtable      Takes a single object and converts its properties and values into a hashtable.
Convert-RGBToHex               Converts an RGB color string to hex equivalent
Convert-SecureStringToString   Converts a SecureString value back to a plaintext string
ConvertTo-Base64               ConvertTo-Base64 converts a normal string to a base 64 string
ConvertTo-Binary               Convert an integer or array of integers to binary
ConvertTo-BinaryIPv4           Converts a Decimal IP address into a binary format.
ConvertTo-Bool                 Parse a string and convert it to a Boolean
ConvertTo-DateTime             Converts a formatted date string back into a datetime datatype.
ConvertTo-DecimalIPv4          Converts a Dotted Decimal IP address into a 32-bit unsigned integer.
ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIPv4    Returns a dotted decimal IP address.
ConvertTo-Hex                  Convert an integer or array of integers to hexadecimal
ConvertTo-HtmlEncode           To encode plaintext using [Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode()
ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary    Converts a HashTable, Array, or an OrderedDictionary to an OrderedDictionary.
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral         Converts a number to a Roman numeral.
ConvertTo-UncPath              A simple function to convert a local file path and a computer name to a network UNC 
ConvertTo-UrlEncode            To encode plaintext using [Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode()
ConvertTo-UTC                  Converts a datetime from local time to UTC
Convert-UserFlag               Converts a userflag enumeration to a human readable list of attributes about an AD 
Copy-Object                    To copy an object to standard output
Eexit                          Closes the transcript, and exits the PowerShell session
Expand-IPV6                    Takes an abbreviated IPv6 string and expands it fully
Expand-String                  Expanding a string expression. Can handle Powershell string expressions or 
                               Environment variable expansion.
Expand-Tab                     To expand tab characters to spaces
Export-CSVSortedColumn         Sorts the column names alphabetically and exports to csv
Export-FontSample              Exports an HTML file containing sample text formatted in all the fonts installed on 
                               the current system.
FileSizeAbove                  To use as a filter against Get-ChildItem
FileSizeBelow                  To use as a filter against Get-ChildItem
Format-MacAddress              Function to cleanup a MACAddress string
Format-RandomCase              Formats a string character by character randomly into upper or lower case.
Format-ReverseString           To reverse a string, or an array of strings
Format-ReverseToken            To reverse a string that is broken into tokens by a delimiter
Format-SortedList              Creates a formatted list with properties sorted alphabetically
Format-TitleCase               Get the last day of the month given the year as an integer, and the month as an 
Format-WrapText                Wraps text at a particular column width
Get-ArpTable                   Gets the dynamic entries in the arp table and parses them into IPAddress and 
Get-Assoc                      Displays file extension associations
Get-BashPath                   To take a normal Windows path and convert it to a bash path for things like git bash.
Get-BinaryType                 Gets the binary executable type for a given set of files
Get-CeasarCipher               Shifts letters in string by a certain number of positions. Default shift is 13 
                               characters or the classic ROT13.
Get-ComputerSite               Determines the Active Directory site of a specified computername(s). Relies on 
                               nltest.exe that comes with Windows
Get-ComputerUptime             To mimic and extend the Get-ComputerUptime function found in PowerShell 6 or 7
Get-DiceRoll                   Simulates rolling gaming dice
Get-DisplayBrightness          To get the current brightness of the display
Get-DNSHostEntryAsync          Performs a DNS Get Host asynchronously
Get-DriveStat                  To get statistics on drives on a particular server or servers.
Get-DuplicateFileName          To find duplicate file names within a given folder
Get-Enum                       To get the static values of enum datatypes
Get-ExecutableForFile          Given a file, determine what program is associated with file.
Get-FileEncoding               To get the file encoding of a file
Get-FileName                   Gets a filename through the native OpenFileDialog. Can select a single file or 
                               multiple files.
Get-FileWithLeadingSpace       To find files that begin with a space character
Get-FolderName                 Gets a foldername through the native OpenFileDialog.
Get-Font                       Gets the fonts currently loaded on the system
Get-Fortune                    Display a short quote
Get-Ftype                      Displays file types used in file extension associations
Get-InvalidFileCharacter       Gets invalid filename characters
Get-IpRange                    Given a subnet in CIDR format, get all of the valid IP addresses in that range.
Get-LastDayInMonth             Get the last day of the month given the year as an integer, and the month as an 
Get-List                       Returns an array given an indeterminate number of command line arguments.
Get-LongName                   To get the longname of a provided shortname (8.3) of a file or folder
Get-MachineType                A quick function to determine if a computer is VM or physical box.
Get-MacVendor                  Resolve MacAddresses To Vendors
Get-Magic8Ball                 Get one of the answers from the magic 8 ball.
Get-Md5Sum                     To calculate an Md5Sum for a file
Get-MyLocalLogonTime           Gets local logon time for the current user
Get-NetworkCredential          Returns a [System.Net.NetworkCredential] given a passed [PSCredential] parameter
Get-NTFSPermission             To get permission information on a specified Path or folder name
Get-NtpDate                    To get the time from an NTP server
Get-Power                      Provides exponentian
Get-PrintableAscii             Gets an array of objects that show printable Ascii characters.
Get-PrivateProfileComment      To get comments from an .ini file
Get-PrivateProfileSection      To get data out of an .ini file
Get-PrivateProfileSectionNames To get the section names out of an .ini file
Get-PrivateProfileString       To get data out of an .ini file
Get-ProcessUser                Get a list of processes and the user context that they run under. By default excluded 
                               system tasks
Get-PSWho                      Get PowerShell user summary information
Get-RandomDate                 Gets a random date
Get-RandomHexDigit             Gets a random hex digit, or a string of hex digits
Get-RandomMacAddress           Gets a random sequence of 12 hexadecimal digits
Get-RegExpandString            Retrieves a null-terminated string that contains unexpanded references to environment 
                               variables (REG_EXPAND_SZ) from local or remote computers.
Get-RegistryValue              Get the values from a specified registry key
Get-RelativePath               Get a relative path to a specified list of paths relative to a specified path
Get-Round                      Correctly rounds a number. Optionally can specify the number of digits to round to.
Get-SaveFileName               Gets a filename through the native SaveFileDialog.
Get-ScheduledTaskUser          Get a list of scheduled tasks and the user context that they run under. By default 
                               excluded system tasks
Get-ServiceUser                Get a list of services and the user context that they run under. By default excluded 
                               services running as system
Get-Shortcut                   Get information about a Shortcut (.lnk file)
Get-ShortName                  To get the shortname 8.3 of a file or folder
Get-SID                        To get the SID of a specified domain user passed as either an (email) or (domain,
Get-SpecialFolder              Gets special folder name location
Get-SqlDatabase                Get list of SQL databases
Get-SqlIndexFragmentation      Get SQL Index Fragmentation
Get-SqlStoredProcedure         Get SQL Stored Procedures
Get-StaticProperty             To list the static properties of a .NET class
Get-String                     Returns a string given an indeterminate number of command line arguments.
Get-SubnetMaskIPv4             Gets a dotted decimal subnet mask given the number of bits in the mask
Get-TruncatedDate              To truncate a date at a given level
Get-Type                       Get exported types in the current session
Get-TypeAccelerator            Gets type accelerators
Get-UrlContent                 To get the HTML content of a specified URL
Get-VssadminListVolumes        Runs 'vssadmin.exe list volumes' and parses the output into objects
Get-VssadminListWriters        Runs 'vssadmin.exe list writers' and parses the output into objects
Get-WordCount                  Gets summary statistics of all the words and how many of each there are
Get-WordList                   Returns a list of over 38,000 words.
grep                           A simple text filter to search for a string
Invoke-Beep                    Uses the Beep function of the .Net [Console] class
Invoke-CountdownTimer          Invokes a countdown timer
Invoke-Speak                   Use the speech synthesizer in Powershell. Can be synchronous or asynchronous. Option 
                               for random voice.
Join-Object                    Combines two object lists based on a related property between them.
Lock-Workstation               Locks the workstation
Measure-Char                   To count the number of times a character appears in a string, or an array of strings.
Merge-Object                   Returns a 'clean' array of objects that have all property names in each element of 
                               the array
mklink                         mklink calls out to the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and creates a link
Move-ToRecycleBin              Instead of outright deleting a file, why not move it to the Recycle Bin?
New-ColorPicker                Present a dialog to the user and allow them to select or define a color. User can 
                               choose how the color will be returned.
New-Credential                 Returns a [PSCredential] given a passed UserName, and either a string 'Password' or a
                               securestring 'SecureString'
New-DatePicker                 Provides a GUI representation of a calendar where you select a date. Click OK or 
                               press [Enter] to return the date selected. If click Cancel or press [Esc] $null is 
New-FontPicker                 Present a dialog to the user and allow them to select a font and its characteristics
New-Inputbox                   Display a Visual Basic style inputbox.
New-InputBoxSecureString       Provides a GUI text entry box to enter a string and convert it to a securestring
New-MessageBox                 New-Popup will display a message box. If a timeout is requested it uses Wscript.Shell 
                               PopUp method. If a default button is requested it uses the ::Show method from 
New-PFDateFormat               Returns a [psobject] with a [datetime] in multiple other formats
New-QR                         Create New Quick Response Code
New-RandomPassword             Creates a new random password
New-ScreenShot                 To take a screenshot and save it to a file.
New-Shortcut                   This script is used to create a  shortcut.
Optimize-SqlIndexFragmentation Optimize SQL Index Fragmentation
Optimize-SqlStoredProcedure    Optimize SQL Stored Procedures
Out-PDFToPrinter               To print a .PDF to the default printer
Read-HostWithDefault           A wrapper for Read-Host that includes a default value. Optionally can provide a 
Remove-BlankOrComment          A simple text filter to remove blank lines or lines that begin with a comment 
Remove-EmptyProperty           To take an object and return only non-empty properties
Remove-QuotesFromCsv           Removes quotes from a CSV data set. Can optionally set $Delimiter to another 
Remove-TeamsCache              Removes the data that is in the Teams cache for the current user
Remove-Trailing                Removes trailing spaces from a string or array of strings.
Reset-Desktop                  Forces a reset of the desktop
Resolve-FQDN                   Resolves a hostname or IPv4 address to a fully qualified domain name
Resolve-HostName               Resolves a hostname to an IPv4 address.
sed                            A simple text filter to replace strings
Set-Capslock                   Sets the state of the CapsLock button.
Set-Display                    Set-Display turns the display on or off via energy saver api. Can also set display 
Set-Numlock                    Sets the state of the NumLock button. If you pass $true to function it will turn on 
Set-PrivateProfileComment      To place comment(s) in an .ini file. Comments are lines that begin with a 
                               semicolon ';'.
Set-PrivateProfileString       To set data in an .ini file
Set-Scrolllock                 Sets the state of the ScrollLock button.
Set-SpeakerVolume              Sets the speaker volume.
Set-Type                       Sets the data type of a property given the property name and the data type.
Set-WindowStyle                To control the behavior of a window
Show-AllColor                  Shows all console colors
Show-Calendar                  Displays a visual representation of a calendar.
Show-Color                     Show-Color displays the names and values of the console colors
Show-ColorsWithBackground      Show-ColorsWithBackground displays all combinations of foreground/background of the 
                               console colors.
Show-DaysOfWeek                Shows the days of the week
Show-FileAttribute             Shows the available file attributes
Show-FsRight                   To list all potential file system rights
Show-Month                     Shows the months
Show-NamedColor                Shows all named colors
Show-Object                    Takes an object and displays a new window containing the object, and you can drill 
                               down on its properties.
Show-Progress                  Show progress as items pass through a section of the pipline
Show-ShortDaysOfWeek           Show short days of the week
Show-ShortMonth                Shows short month
Show-SubnetMaskIPv4            Show IPv4 subnet masks
Show-Timezone                  Show timezone information
Split-Line                     To split a string line by line and return a string array
Start-ADReplication            Forces replication to occur between domain controllers in domain.
Start-RecordSession            Creates a transcript of current Powershell session
Stop-RecordSession             Stops the running transcript
Switch-Mute                    Toggles speaker mute
Test-ConnectionAsync           Performs a ping test asynchronously
Test-IsAdmin                   Determines if you are running elevated (as Administrator)
Test-IsCapsLock                Determines if the CapsLock key is on or not
Test-IsDate                    Tests to see if the specified string is a valid [datetime] string
Test-IsFileLocked              Determine if a file is locked.
Test-IsHexString               Tests to determine if a string is a valid hexadecimal number. Can optionally include 
                               a prefix of '0x' or '#'
Test-IsNull                    Given a passed [string] tests to determine if .IsNullOrEmpty() or 
                               .IsNullOrWhitespace(), with .IsNullOrEmpty() being the default
Test-IsNumeric                 Determines if specified string can be parsed to a number
Test-IsNumLock                 Determines the state of NumLock
Test-IsScrollLock              Sets the state of the ScrollLock button. If you pass $true to function it will turn 
                               on ScrollLock.
Test-IsValidEmailAddress       Tests validity if specified string is an email address.
Test-IsValidIPv4               Verifies if passed parameter is a valid IP v4 address
Test-IsValidIPv6               Verifies if passed parameter is a valid IP v6 address
Test-MultipleBool              Takes multiple bool values and applies a boolean operator against them to get an 
Test-Network                   Wrapper function for Get-IpRange, Test-ConnectionAsync, and Get-DNSHostEntryAsync to 
                               give summary table of ip addresses that either resolve to a host name or respond to 
                               a ping
Test-NtpDateVsNow              To test whether local time and NTP time fall within a particular tolerance
Test-Password                  To validate credentials and return a boolean
Test-PasswordComplexity        Tests a password for length and password complexity
Test-Port                      Tests a Port or a range of ports on a specific ComputerName(s).
Test-Set                       Compares 2 arrays of strings and determines if they are EQUAL, SUBSET, SUPERSET, or 
Update-ExplorerIcon            Updates Explorer icons
Use-Stopwatch                  Uses a stopwatch datatype found in module. Can get stopwatch status, start, stop, 
                               reset, or restart.
Write-StringArray              Takes [string] or [string[]] input and writes the code that would create a string 
                               array with that information.
Write-StringHash               Takes [hashtable] input and writes the code that would create a hashtable with that 
Write-TextMenu                 Creates the logic for a new simple text based menu. Originally published as script 
                               New-TextMenu in the PowerShellGallery