
Code Climate David DM

CopterLeague is a web service written in Node.js. This platform gives an overview of all FPV Multirotor events in Germany and administers events and participants. The organisators can publish their official or inofficial competitions with additional information. The pilots then can register for a race and afterall the results of each race are uploaded. So we are able to create an overall pilot ranking from Germany.



The first thing to do is requesting a token from one of the auth APIs, e.g. /api/auth/login for an email/password login. The returned token should be cached by the client for subsequent requests. The token is valid until its expiration date. Every request that requires authentication must add a special header:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

<token> must be replaced with the authorization token.

By design this authorization method is secured against CSRF attacks since foreign sites do not know the token and cannot send it in an HTTP header. However, the method is attackable via XSS because the token information must be saved in a permanent storage like localStorage that can be read by any scripts that are loaded in the context of the web application. To protect against such attacks the authentication API offers to set a special XSS cookie that is checked whenever the authorization token is validated. The cookie value must be signed and http-only.