
LMS is a.... //TODO will be a cross-plattform system that allows easy module-handling and sharing.

#####Notice: (Work in progress) = there is no stable version and it might doesn't work at all :)

###Getting Started //TODO links and more

###Featured Libraries

###Featured Modules


###Downloads SA

  • Get the source from github :P
  • //TODO install binaries

###License LMS is licensed under Apache 2.0 License


  • If first version is finished -> Exclude modules for testing
  • More docs
  • License
  • Add license-header to files
  • Add contributer-agreement-file

###Known bugs

  • Signalhandler doesn't work properly
  • Doesn't fully work on windows (it compiles)


###Special thanks go to

  • ngladitz from #cmake, who helped me a lot getting into cmake :)