This is a template based cv generator made with rust, comrak, wkhtmltopdf. It converts a json file to a pdf version
- Nodes: intro, description, rightImage, unorderedList, space, extra (html), social, achievement, title
- Rest API to generate CV
- JSON to pdf
- CLI application to generate the CV pdf
Expose as Rest APIMore than 1 pdf output- Graphic interface
- More Nodes
- Install "wkhtmltopdf"
- cargo run "cv_data.json" Where cv_data.json is the name or the path of the json file with your cv info.
Configure in the .env file the port and the host
- docker build -t web:latest .
- docker run -d --name cv-gen -e "PORT=8765" -p 8081:8765 web:latest
"type": "config",
"data": {
"title": "Hector CV",
"theme": "default_template.html",
"extra_data": {
"font-family": "Open Sans",
"font-type": "sans-serif",
"font-url": ""
"type": "section",
"size": "8",
"data": [
"type": "intro",
"data": "Hector Pulido"
"type": "description",
"data": "<b>Backend developer, AI enthusiast, Mechatronic Engineer, Math MSC (2023)</b>"
"type": "description",
"data": "I'm just a simple <b>Computational math</b> MSC student..."
"type": "title",
"data": "{i fas fa-star} Achievements and Experience"
"type": "achievement",
"data": {
"title": "{i fas fa-briefcase} Backend developer at Platzi",
"list": [
"B2C & B2B EdTech web software, more than 3 million students.",
"data_range": "August 2020 - Now"
"type": "achievement",
"data": {
"title": "{i fas fa-graduation-cap} Mechatronic Engineering, Universidad Autónoma Del Caribe, Barranquilla Colombia",
"list": [
"Honorable mention: ..."
"data_range": "June 2015 - September 2019"
"type": "title",
"data": "{i fas fa-keyboard} Related open source projects"
"type": "achievement",
"data": {
"title": "{i fas fa-robot} Evolutionary Neural Networks (C#, Unity)",
"list": [
"This is a <b>machine learning</b> ...."
"url": ""
"type": "section",
"size": "4",
"data": [
"type": "unorderedList",
"data": {
"title": "{i fas fa-book} Contact",
"list": [
"{i fas fa-phone} +57 999999999",
"<a href=''>{i fas fa-envelope}</a>",
"<a href=''>{i fab fa-github} Github (HectorPulido)</a>",
"<a href=''>{i fab fa-youtube} Youtube (Hector Pulido)</a>",
"<a href=''>{i fab fa-twitter} Twitter (@Hector_Pulido_)</a>"
"type": "unorderedList",
"data": {
"title": "{i fas fa-magic} Tech Stack",
"list": [
"Backend with Python; Django stack",
"type": "unorderedList",
"data": {
"title": "{i fas fa-globe-europe} Languages",
"list": [
"Spanish (<b>Native</b>)",
"English (<b>Profesional profiency</b>)"
"type": "unorderedList",
"data": {
"title": "{i fas fa-fire} Soft Skill",
"list": [
"I like to learn about complex topics.",
"I can speak in public and transmit ideas easily.",