
Ada binding for the Pebble Time smartwatch

Primary LanguageAda


Ada_Time is a lightweight binding for the Pebble Time smartwatch.

More info about this project: http://blog.adacore.com/make-with-ada-formal-proof-on-my-wrist

This repository contains two examples that you can install to your watch:


For this project you will need GNAT for ARM bare-board. You can find the GPL version at libre.adacore.com, in the download section. See the documentation for installation.

You also need a Pebble SDK (tested on version 3.2) developer.getpebble.com/sdk/.


For each app you have to build the Ada code first:

$ cd projects/Patris/ada
$ gprbuild -XBuild=Release

then go back to the Pebble project directory, build and test:

$ cd ..
$ pebble build && pebble install --emulator basalt