
Lightning Web Component used for searching Lightning Knowledge articles

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Knowledge Search Lightning Web Component

Lightning Web Component used for searching Lightning Knowledge articles

How to use it

Knowledge utility bar widget : Knowledge widget

On a record detail page :

Knowledge record detail

How to install it ! Step 1 ) Clone the repo
Step 2 ) Run the command : ./setupScratchOrg
Step 3 ) Create cases with record types (QA Salesforce, QA Trailhead)
Step 4 ) Open the component and search for articles

    This script will setup a scratch org with this configuration :<br/>
        - Pushging Metadata (Application, Apex Classes, FlexiPage, LWC)<br/>
        - Set the permission set to be a Knowledge User<br/>
        - Set the permission set to access to the Knowledge App<br/>
        - Importing demo's articles<br/>

Current version :

- Adding redirection to Knowledge articles in a new browser tab.
- Available for both Lightning Record Page && Utility Bar Item
- Conditionnal styling (utility component / lightning web component)


- Remove the "hide/show" when the component is used in the utility bar
- Make inputs and filters dynamically.

Scratch Org :

- Generate a username for the new knowledge user created
- Enable the 'Organization Admins Can Login as Any User' feature by default