
WorkingPaperTemplate is a LaTeX template for working papers and presentations.

Primary LanguageTeX

Working Paper Template

WorkingPaperTemplate is a LaTeX template for working papers designed by Fabien Petit.

FILES are organized as follows:

  • main.tex: main file for the working paper.
  • prez.tex: main file for the slides.
  • references.bib: bibliography in bibtex.

DIRECTORIES are organized as follows:

  • _chapter: content of the paper. Organized at the section level.
  • _deprecated: contains all deprecated parts of the paper.
  • _graphic: contains all graphics. The figure environment is defined in the content.
  • _logo: contains all logos for presentations.
  • _slide: content of the presentation.
  • _tabular: contains all tabulars. The table environment is defined in the content.

LABELS and REFERENCES have the following pattern:

  • for SECTIONS: the name of the section with 'sec:' before (i.e., \label{sec:introduction} and \ref{sec:introduction})
  • for EQUATIONS: the name of the equation with 'eq:' before (i.e., \label{eq:utility} and \eqref{eq:utility})
  • for FIGURES: the name of the figure with 'fig:' before (i.e., \label{fig:gdp-growth} and \ref{eq:gdp-growth})
  • for TABLES: the name of the table with 'tab:' before (i.e., \ref{tab:parameters} and \ref{tab:parameters})


    \justify\singlespacing\scriptsize\textit{Notes}: Notes here.


    % \resizebox*{\textwidth}{!}{
        % \setlength{\tabcolsep}{6pt}
        % \small
            \scriptsize{\item \textit{Notes}: Notes here}
    % }