
Exercises and assessments of the UC Linguagens e Tecnologias Web. MIEIC, Year 2, Semester 2.

Primary LanguagePHP

Linguagens e Tecnologias Web (LTW) - Year 2, Semester 2 (Y2S2)

This repository contains all the exercises and assessments of the UC Desenho de Algoritmos, taught by André Restivo at Integrated Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering [MIEIC] at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto [FEUP].

Final Grade: 16/20


Here are several documents, namely:

My Drafts

Pieces of code for exercises and assessments, notes that I take during practical classes and other experiences using HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript languages. It is an authentic disorganized notebook.


Notes that I take during theoretical lectures, in php, javascript, .css or .html files or Markdown


Varied exercises of easy, medium and difficult level, about the subject taught in the present week. They complement the weekly work developed during the practical classes.

Project "O Comilão" (Grade: 18.3/20)


  • Fábio Sá, up202007658
  • Inês Gaspar, up202007210
  • Lourenço Gonçalves, up202004816

@ Fábio Araújo de Sá