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Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

World Happiness Report Project 😄

IMPORTANT : The notebook contains plotly graphs which are not loaded in GitHub, please refer to the Complete version.

Note that the GitHub version is very limited as hyperlinks and plotly visualizations don't work. Please refer to the link above for the complete version.


This exploratory data analysis was created as a capstone project for the Data Analysis and Visualization section of the Data Science course of Start2Impact, an italian startup (B Corp certified) which has been selected among the best ones in Europe in terms of education and social impact by the European Social Innovation Competition.

The analysis is already structured as a notebook which contains a formal presentation of the themes, the datasets and every information needed in order to understand what was done during the six different phases of the analysis. This section, on the other hand, will be an informal and brief explanation of why I chose this theme.

Reasons behind my choice

I was 14 years old when I read the term "positive mindset" for the first time, I've always been fascinated by the power of the mind and the I remember being absolutely stunned when I read about the huge impact we can make on our lives by rewiring our brain to take the best out of every situation. From that moment on I've been trying to apply what I read, which hasn't been an easy task at all, but very rewarding I must say.

Given this premises, the World Happiness Report was love at first sight for me, and what was even more interesting about this project was the possibility to combine more datasets to obtain a clear but at the same time complex view of several factors interacting. I choose the Human Freedom Index as the second main dataset due to my firm belonging in "No freedom til we're all equal" 1. Studying different freedom indexes helped me understand how the world is moving, and what encouraged me even more to use this dataset was the presence of a specific freedom index for women, which compared for each country the amount of freedom women have with respect to that of men.

What will you learn?

The notebook is structured in six sections, if you're interested in the whole analysis you can read it top to bottom, otherwise there are links that will direct you to the most interesting parts, which are the data exploration and data visualization phases. Each visualization has a brief description of the findings and some of them are interactive, meaning that they allow you to filter them or obtain further insights. These are the questions answered in the analysis

  • Location Analysis

    • Where are the happiest countries located? Where the freest?
    • Do developed countries have an higher level of happiness when compared to less developed ones?
    • What regions are the best and worst when comparing their human freedom scores?
    • Does kind of government influence the level of happiness?
  • Correlation Analysis

    • How much does each factor influence the level of happiness?
    • What's the relationship between economic freedom, personal freedom and human freedom?
    • Is there any correlation between level of freedom and level of happiness?
  • Time Analysis

    • How has happiness level changed throughout the years? What about freedom?
    • Which countries changed the most over the years in terms of happiness level? Which ones in terms of human freedom?
    • What is the regional trend for human freedom, economic freedom, personal freedom and personal freedom for women?


  1. Yes, that's Macklemore