
OSLC OP specifications and notes

Primary LanguageHTML

OSLC Open Project specifications

CircleCI Discourse status

This repository is for managing the development of OSLC Core TC specifications including Core 3.0, OSLC Query, Tracked Resource Sets, and Configuration Management.

Getting started

In order to preview the specifications, you need to run a local webserver (you shall never disable the security protections against running AJAX requests on local filesystem). With Python 3 installed:

cd docs/
python3 -m http.server 8000 --bind

Now you can browse all specs via http://localhost:8000/. For an even better experience, install Browsersync (npm i -g browser-sync) and run it the following way:

cd docs/
browser-sync start --server --directory

Now you can browse all specs via http://localhost:8000/. Anytime you save a spec file, every browser tab where this file is opened will be reloaded automatically.


Read how to contribute to the OSLC Open Project.


Please see the LICENSE file for description of the license terms and OASIS policies applicable to the OSLC Open Project work items.