
Machine Learning for Automated Diagnosis of Skin Lesions

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Machine Learning for Automated Diagnosis of Skin Lesions

The MSc thesis by Fábio Santos who studied multiple approaches for multi-class classification of skin lesions using the ISIC 2019 dataset. Some of the main topics include pre-trained model study, hyperparameter optimization, data augmentation study, ensemble study and out of distribution study.


We use Miniconda to manage a virtual Python 3.6 environment and dependencies.

Install Miniconda and create the virtual Python environment with all necessary dependencies.

Activate and enter the environment at any point with:

conda activate experiments


Download the official ISIC2019 train set using the following:


Preprocess, augment and split data into train, test and validation sets


python3 ./experiments/data/data_sampler_copy.py \           
        --output "./experiments/data/isic2019/sampled_balanced_60000" \
        --images "./experiments/data/isic2019/ISIC_2019_Training_Input" \ 
        --unknown-images "./experiments/data/isic_archive/unknown" \
        --descriptions "./experiments/data/isic2019/ISIC_2019_Training_GroundTruth.csv" \
        --target-size 224 \
        --data-augmentation-group 1 \
        --class-balance \
        --training-samples 60000 


Run the prepared scripts to train the VGG16 transfer learning models and the custom CNN end-to-end learning models:

python3 main.py ./experiments/data/isic2019/sampled_balanced_60000/ \
                --training \
                --modelfolder models \
                --historyfolder history \
                --unknown 1 \
                --batchsize 32 \
                --maxqueuesize 10 \
                --model DenseNet121 \
                --feepochs 2 \
                --ftepochs 100 \
                --felr 1e-3 \
                --ftlr 1e-4 \
                --online-data-augmentation-group 1


Run the prepared scripts to test the VGG16 transfer learning models and the custom CNN end-to-end learning models:

python3 main.py ./experiments/data/isic2019/sampled_balanced_60000/ \
                --predtest --predtestresultfolder test_predict_results \
                --modelfolder models \
                --historyfolder history \
                --unknown 1 \
                --batchsize 32 \
                --maxqueuesize 10 \
                --model DenseNet121 \
                --feepochs 2 \
                --ftepochs 100 \
                --felr 1e-3 \
                --ftlr 1e-4 \
                --online-data-augmentation-group 1


You can see the results of this dissertation in the notebooks of folder "./experiments/notebooks". Additionally, all dissertation images are also placed in this folder (in pdf format).

In order to replicate the results one must simply re-run the notebooks.


The LaTeX document in doc/ is the dissertation for the MSc thesis which tells the story of the experiments.

cd doc