
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Avocacy Project For Charities


The legal framework of this application has not been validated. Therefore it should be used exclusively for development purpose. Any organization which would like to make use of it should first get the approval of a lawyer.

Why this project ?

Along with their support to the people, Charities aim at advocating their cause to the officials and other stakeholders.
This project, conceived in the framework of an OpenClassrooms education programm as software developer, intends to provide those charities with a convenient tool which helps them to engage officials with the support of Volunteers.


Due to the sensitivity of the information handled by this project:

  • No names are displayed in the urls. They are replaced by UUID
  • A non-logged user should have exclusively access to the login page.


The current limitations of this project are:

  • A community organization exclusively bound to France continental territory
  • Limitations in the design restraint its use to local charities. It is not suitable for large organizations in its current format.
  • Password Reset, User deactivation are not available in this V1.
  • Only elected officials are taken into consideration.

Main functionalites

  • The account creation follows a specific process:
    • The administrator should create the first manager;
    • The manager owns the permission to create new users;
    • Once created a new user receives an e-mail, which includes a unique usage link;
    • The user is expected to click on this link;
    • Then the user will access a page where he is requested to change the password;
    • As he changes his password, he automatically get the permissions depending on his status and he is logged in.
  • Managers can create new communities and officials
  • Managers can add advocacy topics in order to help the volunteers focus on the message.
  • Managers set up interview guidelines as support documentation for the volunteers.
  • Volunteers can report on the outcome of any interview. This outcome is used to assess the propinquity of the officials.
  • Officials are sorted out in 4 categories:
    • Influential and Ideas close to the charity ideals
    • Less Influential and Ideas close to the charity ideals
    • Influential and Ideas rather far from the charity ideals
    • Less Influential and Ideas rather far from the charity ideals
  • An additional page gives the list of the officials to meet. That is: those with a certain relevance and at a reasonable distance from the charity ideals. The officials who have not been interviewed do not belong to this list, as their propinquity was never assessed.
    In order to respect the freedom of thinking and speech, nowhere in the application is recorded what the ideas of the official are


V1.1 : beta, with developed graphic interface. To be published. V1.0 : beta, fully functionnal. Published on 2. June 2021


The apps implemented in this project are:

  • accounts
  • communities
  • interviews
  • officials
  • pages
  • teams pages is exclusively used to accomodate the general purpose html files, like base.html and home.html.
    It also accomodates the fixtures used for testing the other apps.

Start a local server

The settings demand that you add the basic one by starting the server: $ python manage.py runserver --settings advocacy_project.settings.base


Test Coverage

This project has been largely develop in TDD mode. Coverage rate is at 96%.

Locate the tests

Every app has its own unitary tests.
DB fixtures are located in the pages app. Selenium tests can be found in the advocacy_project module.

Commands for coverage and tests:

Using Shell, type the following command line:
$ coverage run --omit="venv/*,*/__init__.py,manage.py,*/tests.py,*/tests/*,*/test*,*/settings.py,*/migrations/*" manage.py test
As one can see, all files and folders, which should not be subjects to tests have been removed.
And to get a report:
$ coverage report

Create fixtures

Would a developer have the intent to build his own fixtures, the amount of dependencies between the tables demand to apply the following code: python manage.py dumpdata auth.Group -e contenttypes --natural-foreign --indent 2 > groups.json


DB Used

PostgreSQL is the DB used in this project (cf settings)

Initialize the Database

As Usual, first comes first with the creation of a superuser. After Migration, the DB initialization DB should follow this order:

  • Upload the Groups from the permissions_and_groups folder. The Groups specificic to this project are implemented in this file.
  • Create some communities;
  • Create the teams for the Volunteers;
  • Create the Volunteers or Staff of the charity;
  • Create Officials;
  • Create interviews on case by case basis. This project includes a folder with the standard permissions and groups.
    It is named: permissions_and_groups. It can be found at the root of this project.

Third party packages

Beyond Django, following third party packages are used:

  • django-registration-redux, used to manage the account creation and authentication process;
  • pandas, used to compute the officials level of influence and propinquity;
  • selenium, to test the User Stories;
  • psycopg2-binary, for Postgresql;
    Those packages are all referred to in requirements.txt.

Main Sources of Knowledge