Overall Framework

This project is developped in the framework of an education program as software developper in Python.


This web application offers the user to look for food items with better nutritional properties.

Main Functionalities

  • The user can create an account in order to get a better experience
  • The user, be he anonymous or registered, is supposed to type in the name of a food item
  • Then, the application looks for items of the same category with better nutritional properties
  • The user can get more information on a selected product
  • And he can subsequently record it

This project is developped using :

  • Python 3.7
  • Django 3.1.4


Different environments, named base, local and production have been developped. To use papounet_diet in local mode, add the suffix: --settings papounet_diet.settings.local to your command line, be it for testing or running the server.

Environment variables:

Environment variables (e.g. SECRET_KEY) are stored in a .env file, in the root folder of the project. As they are not stored with the settings, you should create a .env file and store the SECRET_KEY over there.

How to start the local server

  • Create a virtual environment with python
  • Install all the requirements, as listed in requirements.txt
  • Make sure all the modules are installed.
  • switch to papounet_diet module
  • make migrations
  • create a cache table
  • run from the terminal: $ python manage.py runserver


Commands for efficient testing

Using the Shell, type what the following command line, it will remove almost all irrelevant files. As of 27.12.20, coverage rate reaches 85%

$ coverage run --omit='/venv/,/tests/,/migrations/,/papounet_diet/tests.py,/settings/,/manage.py,/apps.py,/admin.py' manage.py test

$ coverage report -m

Where are the tests located ?

App customer: only basic testing as this module strictly follows Django guidelines. App food_items:

  • in module openfoodfacts, iot check the import of data through their API
  • in apps food_items and customer iot check the views and the queries.
  • in papounet_diet, you will find the Selenium functional tests, with two user stories.

Flake8 implementation

Depending on your Python alias, just type: $ python -m flake8 A tox.ini file has been implemented and is to be found a the root of the project. It excludes from Flake checking:

  • all lines needed for in a Django project
  • urls


Only the folders are depicted. This program follows a Django standard architecture.

Project Structure


This project uses a cache using the database. Therefore, upon deployment, you should create a cache table, immediately after creating database migration. e.g. : $ heroku run python manage.py createcachetable


This project is conceived to be deployed with Heroku. Therefore, you will find following files:

  • Procfile
  • runtime.txt