
ezSpeech ANE : AIR Native Extension for Text To Speech (TTS)


ezSpeech ANE : AIR Native Extension for Text To Speech (TTS)

You can download and use this free version of ezSpeech in your developments.

It supports the same languages than the AIR Runtime:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Russian
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • Polish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish

ANE file is in the "bin" folder.

Documentation is available in the "doc" folder.

2 sample projects for Flex and Feathers are available in the "example" folder.

For a full version without toasts showing "EZSPEECH DEMO", please visit the product page and buy a licence.

Get more info, tutorial and pricing


1.5.0 - Update to work with AIR 33 and iOS 13 - Android 32bit/64bit support. Now works well in iOS and Android simulators.

1.2.0 - Update to work with AIR 30 and iOS 11.3 - Bug resolved on AIR Simulator

1.0.9 - Working better with ezSTT

1.0.8 - Adding setPitch and forceLanguage functions

1.0.4 - Adding Utterance Events : START, DONE, ERROR

1.0.3 - Adding isSpeaking function to let you know if TTS is talking or not

1.0.1 - Adding languages : Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Turkish

1.0.0 - First public release