Playlist Pal


The best friend of streaming platforms.

How to run

We will need to install Ruby (3.2.0 is recommended). With Ruby installed run the command line application using the command below:

$ ./playlist_pal.rb sample-data/spotify.json sample-data/changes.json new_spotify.json

To validate its output run the unit tests using RSpec:

$ bundle install && rspec specs/

It's also possible to Rubocop for static analysis:

$ rubocop

How to scale this app

This app was built in just 1 hour and 59 minutes, so there are plenty of room for improvements, particularly for handling very large files.

Some ideas that could to handle this scenario:

  • avoid very large files, for example split the input file according to the data type and changes file according to the operation;
  • don't put the entire files on memory like I did. To solve this we could try oj or using Streams (I did this using Elixir, I don't if oj uses streams of if there other gems that use);
  • adopt a map and reduce approach, splitting into other servers/processes each operation;
  • use Sidekiq workers and control the number of file processing per worker, using for example sidekiq-limit. We doesn't solve the initial problem, but it can solve another problem of having multiple files to be processed;

Design ideas behind the app

The main idea during the development was how to create a simple, efficient and maintainable code in only 2 hours. To do that some concepts and approaches were taken:

  • create unit test to ensure we are in the right path and avoid time debugging;
  • create small function with meaningful names;
  • failfast and with good feedback for the user;

Things left behind

Due the time constraint, there were certain tasks I had intended to develop, but I couldn't complete:

  • create unit tests for PlaylistUpdater. In the end I just created two integration tests to help me to validate the code;
  • validate the input file format deeply (e.g.: if all songs have an ID);
  • validate the changes file format deeply (e.g.: all songs ids exist);
  • parse/sanitize data to avoid convertions during the output generation;
  • use the class Logger, instead of, puts;