
Automation to engage instagram account.

Primary LanguagePython

Automation to engage instagram account

Automation has the following features:

  • Followed people suggested by IG.
  • Unfollowed people suggested by IG.
  • Clear direct messages.

Create and configure the file .env with:

  • EMAIL=example@hotmail.com - Your email or username.
  • PASSWORD=123 -Your password.
  • FALLOW_PEOPLE=50 - Number of people to follow. Remember that you can only follow 200 people per day.
  • UNFALLOW_PEOPLE=30 - Number of people to unfollow.
  • DELETE_MESSAGE=1 - Number of messages you want to delete.

First install all dependencies

Inside the root folder /robot_for_ig_followers:

poetry install
poetry shell

And install playwright:

playwright install


To run it is very simple in the root folder /robot_for_ig_followers run the following commands.

To follow people suggested by IG:

python3 main.py follow

To unfollow people:

python3 main.py unfollow

To clear messages from Direct:

python3 main.py cleardirect

To see the automation happen in the browser use, example:

python3 main.py follow --browser on


Because it is automation, errors can occur in the way of interactions, since the frontend of Intagram, like any other site, is constantly updated, but it is a simple thing to do.

Right click on inspect, press Ctrl + Shift + C and place it over the place where the automation is trying to click or interact.

Once this is done, right-click on the desired HTML element and copy the XPath or full XPath if the value in the automation starts with //html, example: fallowers = f'// html/body/div[1]/section/main/div/div[2]/div/div/div[{number}]/div[3]/button' otherwise anyone starting with //*[@id="react-root"] is XPath.