- 11
- 0
[new feature] Build tools automatically from C source for both Cygwin/Windows and Unix flavors (Linux, FreeBSD)
#283 opened by Fabrizio-Caruso - 4
Linker error when compiling for 'mc10' target
#296 opened by mrgw454 - 2
No known emulator
#286 opened by EtchedPixels - 0
xl script missing
#295 opened by danboid - 3
Please add SDCC support
#292 opened by dgchrt - 3
- 6
- 7
corrections/clarifications in documentation
#290 opened by TechCowboy - 4
How to build for the Sega SG 1000?
#287 opened by Hexadigital - 4
[z88dk-zsdcc] - testing v4.3.0
#285 opened by feilipu - 3
[new feature] chase coco has no color output
#277 opened - 9
Xsnake_coleco.rom Not Working
#284 opened by ikrananka - 1
[new feature] Laser 500 cursor key input
#270 opened by nippur72 - 6
MO5/TO7 f2k5.exe is not running on Cygwin
#280 opened by christopheKohler - 11
"./xl build chase zx81" errors
#282 opened by christopheKohler - 2
"LEVEL n" and "PRESS A KEY" color changes
#137 opened by nippur72 - 2
MO5/TO7 makefile error "cmoc_udc_25_tiles"
#279 opened by christopheKohler - 1
Cygwin Perl last version have no "perl.exe"
#281 opened by christopheKohler - 6
- 11
- 3
xl - build issue under ubuntu 20.04.3
#275 opened by feilipu - 6
- 5
Sam Coupé version: Z88DK significant update.
#269 opened by dandoore - 1
[samcoupe] Colors are totally wrong
#272 opened by Fabrizio-Caruso - 1
- 5
- 8
Tools sources
#29 opened by mozgwar - 2
LIGHT_ATARI_LYNX.lnx Not Working
#175 opened by ctsmith2 - 6
Linux developer issues.
#80 opened by nihirash - 7
MSX version fonts
#21 opened by NYYR1KK1 - 22
#5 opened by OutBush - 6
Trying to run the game on OSI C1P emulator
#4 opened by smuehlst - 6
Use raster interrupts for C64
#3 opened by matozoid