
Fast meteor detection toolbox

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

FMDT -- Fast Meteor Detection Toolbox


1. Dependencies
2. Compilation with CMake
2.1. CMake Options
3. User Documentation
3.1. Detection Executable
3.2. Visualization Executable
3.3. Checking Executable
3.4. Max-reduction Executable
3.5. Video to Images Converter Executable
3.6. Examples of use
3.7. Input and Output Text Formats
4. List of Contributors


This project uses ffmpeg-io, nrc2, c-vector and aff3ct-core projects as Git submodules, you need to download them with the following command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Note that ffmpeg-io requires the ffmpeg executable: you need to install ffmpeg on your system if you want to be able to read video files. In addition, if you want to enable text indications in generated videos/images (--show-id option), the OpenCV library is required.

On Debian like systems you can easily install these packages with the apt package manager:

sudo apt install ffmpeg libopencv-dev

On macOS, we recommend you to use the homebrew package manager:

brew install ffmpeg opencv

Compilation with CMake

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4

Note that the previous CMake command (cmake ..) will generate a Makefile without any compiler flag. If you are using a GNU or Clang compiler like, it is advised to use the following CMake command line instead:

cmake .. -DFMDT_OPENCV_LINK=ON -DFMDT_AFF3CT_RUNTIME=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO="-O3 -g" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wall -funroll-loops -fstrict-aliasing -march=native"

Tips: on Apple Silicon M1 CPUs and with Apple Clang, use -mcpu=apple-m1 instead of -march=native.

The previous command line will generate a Makefile in release mode (with debug information -g). It will produce optimized and ready for debug binaries. Moreover, OpenCV and AFF3CT libraries will be used during the compilation. It enables advanced features (see the CMake Options section for more details about it).

CMake Options

The CMake file comes with several options:

  • -DFMDT_DETECT_EXE [default=ON] {possible:ON,OFF}: compile the detection chain executable.
  • -DFMDT_VISU_EXE [default=ON] {possible:ON,OFF}: compile the visual tracking executable.
  • -DFMDT_CHECK_EXE [default=ON] {possible:ON,OFF}: compile the check executable.
  • -DFMDT_MAXRED_EXE [default=ON] {possible:ON,OFF}: compile the max reduction executable.
  • -DFMDT_VID2IMG_EXE [default=ON] {possible:ON,OFF}: compile the video to images converter executable.
  • -DFMDT_DEBUG [default=OFF] {possible:ON,OFF}: build the project using debugging prints: these additional prints will be output on stderr and prefixed by (DBG).
  • -DFMDT_OPENCV_LINK [default=OFF] {possible:ON,OFF}: link with OpenCV library (required to enable --show-id option in fmdt-visu executable).
  • -DFMDT_AFF3CT_RUNTIME [default=OFF] {possible:ON,OFF}: link with AFF3CT runtime and produce multi-threaded detection executable (fmdt-detect-rt).

User Documentation

This project generates different executables:

  • fmdt-detect (and fmdt-detect-rt* if -DFMDT_AFF3CT_RUNTIME is set to ON): meteors detection chain.
  • fmdt-visu: visualization of the detected meteors.
  • fmdt-check: validation of the detected meteors with the field truth.
  • fmdt-maxred: max reduction of grayscale pixels on a video.
  • fmdt-vid2img: convert video input files into a series of grayscale images.

The next sub-sections describe how to use the generated executables.

Detection Executable

The meteors detection chain is located here: ./exe/fmdt-detect.

The list of available arguments:

Argument Type Default Req Description
--in-video str None Yes Input video path where we want to detect meteors (supports also a path to a folder containing PGM images).
--out-bb str None No Path to the bounding boxes file required by fmdt-visu to draw detection rectangles.
--out-frames str None No Path of the output frames for debug (PGM format).
--out-stats str None No Path of the output statistics, only required for debugging purpose.
--out-mag str None No Path to the output file containing magnitudes of the tracked objects.
--fra-start int 0 No First frame id (included) to start the detection in the video sequence.
--fra-end int 0 No Last frame id (included) to stop the detection in the video sequence. If set to 0, read entire video.
--fra-skip int 0 No Number of frames to skip.
--light-min int 55 No Minimum light intensity hysteresis threshold (grayscale [0;255]).
--light-max int 80 No Maximum light intensity hysteresis threshold (grayscale [0;255]).
--surface-min int 3 No Minimum surface of the CCs in pixel.
--surface-max int 1000 No Maximum surface of the CCs in pixel.
-k int 3 No Number of neighbors in the k-nearest neighbor matching (k-NN algorithm).
--max-dist int 10 No Maximum number of pixels between two images (k-NN algorithm).
--r-extrapol int 5 No Search radius for CC extrapolation (piece-wise tracking).
--angle-max float 20.0 No Tracking angle max between two consecutive meteor moving points (in degree).
--diff-dev float 4.0 No Multiplication factor of the standard deviation (CC error has to be higher than diff deviation x standard deviation to be considered in movement).
--track-all bool - No By default the program only tracks meteor object type. If --track-all is set, all object types are tracked (meteor, star or noise).
--fra-star-min int 15 No Minimum number of frames required to track a star.
--fra-meteor-min int 3 No Minimum number of frames required to track a meteor.
--fra-meteor-max int 100 No Maximum number of frames required to track a meteor.
--video-buff bool - No Bufferize all the video in global memory before executing the chain (for now it only works with --in-video as a folder of PGM images).
--video-loop int 1 No Number of times the video is read in loop (for now it only works with --in-video as a folder of PGM images).
--ffmpeg-threads int 0 No Select the number of threads to use to decode video input (in ffmpeg). If set to 0, ffmpeg chooses the number of threads automatically.

Output text formats are detailed in the Input and Output Text Formats section.

Visualization Executable

The meteors visualization program is located here: ./exe/fmdt-visu.

The list of available arguments:

Argument Type Default Req Description
--in-video str None Yes Input video path (supports also a path to a folder containing PGM images).
--in-tracks str None Yes The tracks file corresponding to the input video (generated from fmdt-detect).
--in-bb str None Yes The bounding boxes file corresponding to the input video (generated from fmdt-detect).
--in-gt str None No File containing the ground truth.
--out-video str "out_visu.mp4" No Path of the output video (MPEG-4 format) with meteor tracking colored rectangles. If --in-gt is set then the bounding rectangles are red if false positive and green if true positive. If --in-gt is NOT set then the bounding rectangles are levels of green depending on the detection confidence.
--out-frames str None No Path of the output frames for debug (PPM format).
--show-id bool - No Show the object ids on the output video and frames. Requires to link with OpenCV library (-DFMDT_OPENCV_LINK CMake option).
--nat-num bool - No Natural numbering of the object ids, work only if --show-id is set.
--only-meteor bool - No Show only meteors.
--ffmpeg-threads int 0 No Select the number of threads to use to decode video input (in ffmpeg). If set to 0, ffmpeg chooses the number of threads automatically.
--fra-start int 0 No First frame id (included) to start the visualization in the video sequence.
--fra-end int 0 No Last frame id (included) to stop the visualization in the video sequence. If set to 0, read entire video.

Note: to run fmdt-visu, it is required to run fmdt-detect before and on the same input video. This will generate the required tracks.txt and bounding_box.txt files.

Input text formats are detailed in the Input and Output Text Formats section.

Checking Executable

The meteors checking program is located here: ./exe/fmdt-check.

The list of available arguments:

Argument Type Default Req Description
--in-tracks str None Yes The track file corresponding to the input video (generated from fmdt-detect).
--in-gt str None Yes File containing the ground truth.

Note: to run fmdt-check, it is required to run fmdt-detect before. This will generate the required tracks.txt file.

Input/output text formats are detailed in the Input and Output Text Formats section.

Max-reduction Executable

The max-reduction generation program is located here: ./exe/fmdt-maxred.

The list of available arguments:

Argument Type Default Req Description
--in-video str None Yes Input video path.
--in-tracks str None No The tracks file corresponding to the input video (generated from fmdt-detect).
--in-gt str None No File containing the ground truth.
--out-frame str None Yes Path of the output frame (PGM format).
--fra-start int 0 No First frame id (included) to start the max-reduction in the video sequence.
--fra-end int 0 No Last frame id (included) to stop the max-reduction in the video sequence. If set to 0, read entire video.
--show-id bool - No Show the object ids on the output video and frames, works only if --in-tracks is set. Requires to link with OpenCV library (-DFMDT_OPENCV_LINK CMake option).
--nat-num bool - No Natural numbering of the object ids, works only if --show-id is set.
--only-meteor bool - No Show only meteors.
--ffmpeg-threads int 0 No Select the number of threads to use to decode video input (in ffmpeg). If set to 0, ffmpeg chooses the number of threads automatically.

Video to Images Converter Executable

The video to images converter program is located here: ./exe/fmdt-vid2img. It's main interest is to directly work on images, thus removing the overhead of the source decoding (achieved by ffmpeg).

The list of available arguments:

Argument Type Default Req Description
--in-video str None Yes Input video path.
--out-frames str None Yes Path of the output frames (PGM format).
--fra-start int 0 No First frame id (included) to start the conversion.
--fra-end int 0 No Last frame id (included) to stop the conversion. If set to 0, read entire video.
--ffmpeg-threads int 0 No Select the number of threads to use to decode video input (in ffmpeg). If set to 0, ffmpeg chooses the number of threads automatically.

Examples of use

Download a video sequence containing meteors here: https://lip6.fr/adrien.cassagne/data/tauh/in/2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4. These video sequence comes from IMCCE (l'Observatoire de Paris) and is the result of an airborne observation of the 2022 τ-Herculids. More information about the 2022 τ-Herculids is available here: https://www.imcce.fr/recherche/campagnes-observations/meteors/2022the.

Step 1: Meteors detection

./exe/fmdt-detect --in-video ./2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4

Write tracks and bounding boxes into text files for fmdt-visu and fmdt-check:

./exe/fmdt-detect --in-video ./2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4 --out-bb ./out_detect_bb.txt > ./out_detect_tracks.txt

Step 2: Visualization

Visualization WITHOUT ground truth:

./exe/fmdt-visu --in-video ./2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4 --in-tracks ./out_detect_tracks.txt --in-bb ./out_detect_bb.txt

Visualization WITH ground truth:

./exe/fmdt-visu --in-video ./2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4 --in-tracks ./out_detect_tracks.txt --in-bb ./out_detect_bb.txt --in-gt ../validation/2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.txt

Note: by default, the resulting video will be written in the ./out_visu.mp4 file (this behavior can be overloaded with the --out-video argument).

Step 3: Offline checking

Use fmdt-check with the following arguments:

./exe/fmdt-check --in-tracks ./out_detect_tracks.txt --in-gt ../validation/2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.txt

Step 4: Max reduction

Use fmdt-maxred with the following arguments:

./exe/fmdt-maxred --in-video ./2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4 --out-frame out_maxred.pgm

Input and Output Text Formats

This section details the various text formats used by the toolchain. For each text format, the # character can be used for comments (at the beginning of a new line).

Tracks: stdout of fmdt-detect / --in-tracks in fmdt-visu and fmdt-check

The tracks represent the detected objects in the video sequence.

# -------||---------------------------||---------------------------||---------
#  Track ||           Begin           ||            End            ||  Object
# -------||---------------------------||---------------------------||---------
# -------||---------|--------|--------||---------|--------|--------||---------
#     Id || Frame # |      x |      y || Frame # |      x |      y ||    Type
# -------||---------|--------|--------||---------|--------|--------||---------
   {tid} ||  {fbeg} | {xbeg} | {ybeg} ||  {fend} | {xend} | {yend} || {otype}
  • {tid}: a positive integer (start to 1) value representing a unique track identifier.
  • {fbeg}: a positive integer value representing the first frame in the video sequence when the track is detected.
  • {xbeg}: a positive real value of the x-axis coordinate (beginning of the track).
  • {ybeg}: a positive real value of the y-axis coordinate (beginning of the track).
  • {fend}: a positive integer value representing the last frame in the video sequence when the track is detected.
  • {xend}: a positive real value of the x-axis coordinate (end of the track).
  • {yend}: a positive real value of the y-axis coordinate (end of the track).
  • {otype}: a string of the object type, can be: meteor, star or noise.

Bounding Boxes: --out-bb in fmdt-detect / --in-bb in fmdt-visu

The bounding boxes can be output by fmdt-detect (with the --out-bb argument) and are required by fmdt-visu. Each bounding box defines the area of an object, frame by frame.

Here is the corresponding line format:

{frame_id} {x_radius} {y_radius} {center_x} {center_y} {track_id} {is_extrapolated}

Each line corresponds to a frame and to an object, each value is separated by a space character.

Magnitudes: --out-mag in fmdt-detect

The magnitudes can be output by fmdt-detect (with the --out-mag argument) and can be used for astrophotometry. For instance they are used as input in pyFMDT.

Each line corresponds to a track/object and here is the corresponding line format:

{tid} {otype} {mag1} {mag2} {...} {magn}

mag1 is the first magnitude value of the track/object of tid id. mag2 is the second magnitude value (in the second frame where the object has been tracked). And so on, until the last magnitude value magn. Note that sometime the magnitude value can be 0, it means that the object has been extrapolated on this frame, thus the magnitude cannot be computed.

Ground Truth: --in-gt in fmdt-visu, fmdt-check & fmdt-maxred

Ground truth file gives objects positions over time. Here is the expected text format of a line:

{otype} {fbeg} {xbeg} {ybeg} {fend} {xend} {yend}

{otype} can be meteor, star or noise. {fbeg} and {fend} stand for frame begin and frame end. {xbeg} and {ybeg} stand for x and y coordinates of the frame begin. {xend} and {yend} stand for x and y coordinates of the frame end. {fbeg}, {xbeg}, {ybeg}, {fend}, {xend}, {yend} are positive integers. Each line corresponds to an object and each value is separated by a space character.

Check Report: stdout in fmdt-check

The first part of fmdt-check stdout is a table where each entry corresponds to an object of the ground truth (GT):

# ---------------||---------------||-----------------||--------
#    GT Object   ||      Hits     ||    GT Frames    || Tracks
# ---------------||---------------||-----------------||--------
# -----|---------||--------|------||--------|--------||--------
#   Id |    Type || Detect |  GT  ||  Start |  Stop  ||      #
# -----|---------||--------|------||--------|--------||--------
 {tid} | {otype} ||   {dh} | {gh} || {staf} | {stof} ||   {nt}
  • {tid}: a positive integer value representing a unique identifier of ground truth track/object.
  • {otype}: a string of the object type, can be: meteor, star or noise.
  • {dh}: a positive integer value of the number of frames when the object is detected (from the tracks, --in-tracks).
  • {gh}: a positive integer value of the number of frame when the object is present (from the ground truth, --in-gt).
  • {staf}: a positive integer value of the frame start (from the ground truth, --in-gt).
  • {stof}: a positive integer value of the frame stop (from the ground truth, --in-gt).
  • {nt}: a positive integer value of the number of tracks that match the ground truth object.

In a second part, fmdt-check stdout gives some statistics in the following format ({pi} stands for positive integer and {pf} for positive float):

  - Number of GT objs = ['meteor': {pi}, 'star': {pi}, 'noise': {pi}, 'all': {pi}]
  - Number of tracks  = ['meteor': {pi}, 'star': {pi}, 'noise': {pi}, 'all': {pi}]
  - True positives    = ['meteor': {pi}, 'star': {pi}, 'noise': {pi}, 'all': {pi}]
  - False positives   = ['meteor': {pi}, 'star': {pi}, 'noise': {pi}, 'all': {pi}]
  - True negative     = ['meteor': {pi}, 'star': {pi}, 'noise': {pi}, 'all': {pi}]
  - False negative    = ['meteor': {pi}, 'star': {pi}, 'noise': {pi}, 'all': {pi}]
  - Tracking rate     = ['meteor': {pf}, 'star': {pf}, 'noise': {pf}, 'all': {pf}]
  • Number of GT objs: the number of objects from the ground truth.
  • Number of tracks: the number of objects from the tracks (fmdt-detect output).
  • True positives: number of detected objects that are in the ground truth (with the same type).
  • False positives: number of detected objects that are not in the ground truth (or that have a different type).
  • True negative: number of detected objects that are different from the current type of object. For instance, if we focus on meteor object type, the number of false negatives is the sum of all the objects in the tracks that are star or noise.
  • False negative: number of non-detected objects (present in the ground truth and not present in the tracks).
  • Tracking rate: the sum of detected hits on the sum of the ground truth hits. Range is between 1 (perfect tracking) and 0 (nothing is tracked). When there are more hits in a track than in the ground truth, the detected hits are the ground truth hits minus the extra hits of the track.

For each line, the meteor, star and noise object types are considered. all stands for all types, sometime all can be mean-less.

Statistics: --out-stats in fmdt-detect

This section targets advanced users, some knowledge about the implemented algorithms may be required!! You have been warned ;-).

fmdt-detect comes with the --out-stats option to help to understand what is happening during the execution. This option enables to log internal statistics of the different algorithms used to detect meteors.

The folder contains multiple files, one per frame (except for the very first frame n°0). For instance, the file name for the frame n°12 is: 00011_00012.txt. 00011 stands for the t - 1 frame and 00012 stands for the t frame. Each file contains 5 different tables:

  • Table 1: list of Regions Of Interest (ROIs) at t - 1 (result of the CCL/CCA + hysteresis algorithm at t - 1)
  • Table 2: list of Regions Of Interest (ROIs) at t (result of the CCL/CCA + hysteresis algorithm at t)
  • Table 3: list of associations between t - 1 ROIs and t ROIs (result of the k-NN algorithm) + errors/velocities after motion estimation
  • Table 4: motion estimation statistics between t - 1 and t frame
  • Table 5: list of tracks since the beginning of the execution (final output of the detection chain)
Table 1 and table 2: Regions Of Interest (ROIs)
# ------||----------------||---------------------------||---------------------------||-------------------||-----------
#   ROI ||      Track     ||        Bounding Box       ||   Surface (S in pixels)   ||      Center       || Magnitude 
# ------||----------------||---------------------------||---------------------------||-------------------||-----------
# ------||------|---------||------|------|------|------||-----|----------|----------||---------|---------||-----------
#    ID ||   ID |    Type || xmin | xmax | ymin | ymax ||   S |       Sx |       Sy ||       x |       y ||        -- 
# ------||------|---------||------|------|------|------||-----|----------|----------||---------|---------||-----------
  {rid} || {tid}| {otype} ||{xmin}|{xmax}|{ymin}|{ymax}|| {S} |     {Sx} |     {Sy} ||    {cx} |    {cy} ||      {mag}

Each line corresponds to one region of interest (ROI) :

  • {rid}: unique identifier for the current ROI (start to 1)
  • {tid}: unique identifier of the corresponding track (start to 1), can be empty if no track is associated to the current ROI
  • {otype}: type of the track object (meteor, noise or star), only if there is a track corresponding to this ROI
  • {xmin}: minimum x position of the bounding box
  • {xmax}: maximum x position of the bounding box
  • {ymin}: minimum y position of the bounding box
  • {ymax}: maximum y position of the bounding box
  • {S}: surface (area) of the ROI in pixels
  • {Sx}: sum of x properties
  • {Sy}: sum of y properties
  • {cx}: x center of mass
  • {cy}: y center of mass
  • {mag}: magnitude of the current ROI (accumulated brightness of the ROI)
Table 3: List of associations between ROIs
# --------------------||---------------||------------------------||-----------
#         ROI ID      ||    Distance   ||  Error (or velocity)   ||   Motion  
# --------------------||---------------||------------------------||-----------
# ----------|---------||--------|------||-------|-------|--------||-----------
#       t-1 |       t || pixels | rank ||    dx |    dy |      e || is moving 
# ----------|---------||--------|------||-------|-------|--------||-----------
  {rid_t-1} | {rid_t} || {dist} |  {k} ||  {dx} |  {dy} |    {e} ||      {mov}

Each line corresponds to an association between one ROI at t - 1 and at t:

  • {rid_t-1}: id of the ROI in the table 1 (in the t - 1 frame)
  • {rid_t} : id of the ROI in the table 2 (in the t frame)
  • {dist}: distance in pixels between the two ROIs
  • {rank}: rank in the k-NN algorithm, if 1: it means that this is the closest ROI asso., if 2: it means that this is the second closest ROI asso., etc.
  • {dx}: x distance between the estimated position (after motion estimation) and the real position (in frame t - 1)
  • {dy}: y distance between the estimated position (after motion estimation) and the real position (in frame t - 1)
  • {e}: euclidean distance between the estimated position and the real position
  • {mov}: yes if the ROI is moving, no otherwise. The criteria to detect the motion of an ROI is: abs({e} - {mean_err1}) > {std_dev1}

If {mov} = yes then, {dx},{dy} is the velocity vector and {e} is the velocity value in pixel.

Note that {dx}, {dy}, {e} and {mov} are computed after the second motion estimation.

Table 4: Motion Estimation Statistics
# ------------------------------------------------------||------------------------------------------------------
#   First motion estimation (with all associated ROIs)  ||    Second motion estimation (exclude moving ROIs)    
# ------------------------------------------------------||------------------------------------------------------
# ----------|----------|----------|----------|----------||----------|----------|----------|----------|----------
#     theta |       tx |       ty | mean err |  std dev ||    theta |       tx |       ty | mean err |  std dev 
# ----------|----------|----------|----------|----------||----------|----------|----------|----------|----------
   {theta1} |    {tx1} |    {ty1} |{mean_er1}|{std_dev1}|| {theta2} |    {tx2} |    {ty2} |{mean_er2}|{std_dev2}

There is only one line in this table. It represents the motion estimation between frame t - 1 and frame t:

  • {theta}: the estimated rotation angle between frame t and frame t - 1
  • {tx} and {ty}: the estimated translation vector from frame t to frame t - 1
  • {mean_er}: the mean error of the associated ROIs
  • {std_dev}: the standard deviation of the associated ROI errors

The first estimation considers all the associated ROIs while the second estimation excludes the associated ROIs in movement. To be considered in movement, an ROI has to verify the following condition: abs({e} - {mean_er1}) > {std_dev1}, with {e} the error of the current ROI.

Table 5: List of Tracks
# -------||---------------------------||---------------------------||---------||-------------------
#  Track ||           Begin           ||            End            ||  Object || Reason of changed 
# -------||---------------------------||---------------------------||---------||    state (from    
# -------||---------|--------|--------||---------|--------|--------||---------||  meteor to noise  
#     Id || Frame # |      x |      y || Frame # |      x |      y ||    Type ||    object only)   
# -------||---------|--------|--------||---------|--------|--------||---------||-------------------
   {tid} ||  {fbeg} | {xbeg} | {ybeg} ||  {fend} | {xend} | {yend} || {otype} ||          {reason}

Most of the columns of this table have been described in a previous section, here we focus only on extra columns:

  • {reason}: reason of the classification from meteor to noise

List of Contributors

This toolbox is developed by the LIP6 laboratory (ALSOC team) of Sorbonne University in Paris. Any external contributions are more than welcome.

Here is the list of contributors:

  • Clara CIOCAN, Master student
  • Mathuran KANDEEPAN, Master student
  • Maxime MILLET, PhD student
  • Florian LEMAÎTRE, PhD
  • Arthur HENNEQUIN, PhD
  • Adrien CASSAGNE, Associate professor
  • Lionel LACASSAGNE, Full professor